That makes NO sense (Hetalia FanFic)

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the title name? I'll explain the reason at the bottom :)

As for this story, well... I guess I'll talk about that at the bottom also.... BOTTOMS RULE! That sounded oddly wrong but I'm still trying to figure out how...

O.O H-Hope you like it! *bows*


Stepping off of the airplane I knew something was wrong. Okay, so I really didn’t but let me feel like I actually suspected something was off. It’s a little embarrassing really. Anyway, looking around at my surroundings I admired the calm feeling I was getting. Exactly what you’d expect from a Canadian airport, it fitted the character Canada at least.

Shrugging my backpack higher up my back I peered over my shoulder. Coming off of the plane right behind me was my friend Riley.

“Ready?” I said to her with a smile. Returning the smile she nodded her head. Turning back around we trudged off down the long corridor maze out into the actual airport. Reaching it I watched the crowd of people from the same plane as us try and find out where the heck to go. It looked as if they were all going to the right. Seems like the best way to go so we followed.

“Hey Riley. You sure you don’t have my iPod?” I asked concerned. She sped up her pace so that we were walking next to each other.

“Nope.” She responded. I let out a defeated sigh as we turned the corner along with the crowd. Lifting my head up I spotted where the foreign layover desk was located. (Okay, I really have no idea what it’s called but that’s exactly what they do.)

“Over there.” I lifted my hand up to point over to where the two ladies sat checking people’s immigration forms. Next to them sat a man who was monitoring a glass door to make sure no one went in without permission and no one came out.

 Riley followed where I was motioning to with her eyes, “Yep. That it I guess.”

Reaching it I ducked under a line and entered the square where a small line had formed for the foreign layover. Glancing over the people in front of us I heard one of the desk ladies asking for passports. Walking over to the wall which happened to consist of many windows that looked down at a small tram station bellow that was located inside I shrugged off my backpack and started rummaging through it for my passport.

“What are you doing?” Riley asked as she came to tower over my crouched form.

“Trying to find my passport. You need it to get past the layover people.” I explained as I checked a pocket and zipped it back up with no luck.

“Oh.” She said before reaching into her purse and triumphantly pulling out her passport. “Hurry up.” She then wined.

“Shut it. I’m trying to. Patients.” I huffed. I was now searching in the main part of my backpack and so far nothing. Getting a little worried I started tossing stuff out of it. My pillow, laptop, iPad, books, glasses case, cords, head phone, and other things but through it all not passport.

“Shit!” I cursed under my breath so that no one besides Riley could hear me.

That makes NO sense (Hetalia FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now