Your Beautiful Eyes Stare Right Into Mine

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No ones POV:

Camila's small frame was comfortably snuggled up in a blanket on her sofa. She was wearing her favourite pair of Harry Potter pyjamas while she mindlessly ate popcorn and watched.. Harry Potter of course. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, personally she thought this movie was the best one, it was the one most filled with magic and innocence and she liked that.

Lauren was sat on the other end of the sofa with a seperate blanket, kindly given to her by Camila after she'd made a small remark about her feet being a little cold. Lauren didn't mean anything by it and she especially didn't expect the younger girl to stop everything that she was doing, sprint upstairs and tuck a blanket over her all whilst stumbling and slightly burning the popcorn in the process. She was so thoughtful.

Camila watched Harry Potter while Lauren watched Camila. The green eyed girl liked Harry Potter, in fact she loved it, but the brown eyed girl was far more interesting in her opinion.

Lauren's POV:

*Staring at Camila in deep thought*

For as long as I can remember, I've always received compliments about my eyes. Everyone seems to like them a lot with most considering them to be my best physical attribute. My family, my friends and especially my fans, always and I mean always talk about them and say how "beautiful" they are. I'm definitely grateful, sure, I mean it's always nice to receive a compliment and it's not like I would exactly disagree either, I feel like they make me look.. unique. I'm Hispanic, with thick, dark brunette hair and piercing bright green eyes to contrast. Plus, only 2% of the worlds population have green eyes so that's cool.

When I was younger, I doubted myself, I think mostly because I wasn't entirely sure of who I was yet, but this led me to putting myself down quite a lot, especially when it came to my appearance but the one thing I was sure about were my eyes, because everyone taught me to be. And at a young age if everyone tells you to feel a certain way, you just do. I'm not so easily influenced now though, I'm kind of known for being extremely strong minded and if you thought that, you wouldn't be wrong. But anyway, my eyes kind of gave me a little more confidence than I think I would have had if I had say brown eyes. I think all eyes are beautiful, there's just something about the way that they come in so many shapes and colours and the way that they have to ability to portray a persons thoughts and feelings. However, brown eyes always just seemed so ordinary to me, I mean 55% of the worlds population have them after all.

That is until I met.. her.

There was no way on earth that her or her extraordinary eyes were just one in 55%! Camila was one in a million, no scratch that, one in a trillion. There was no one like her, no one as caring, as passionate, as deep, as loving and definitely no one as beautiful. Anyone who thought that Camila's eyes were just one in 55% had obviously never seen them well up with tears as she sang with such passion and emotion, or watched as her eyes scanned over an arena full of our fans and lit up, or when they'd been caressed by sunlight and glowed golden or when... when they looked into mine. I know, I'm stupid for thinking like that, the way she looks into my eyes is probably nothing special, to her at least.

My thoughts were interrupted when her warm chocolate orbs made contact with my now seemingly ordinary green ones. This small but huge act made my stomach do back flips, winding me and making me feel as if I was underwater and needed to come up for air all while also causing my cheeks to heat up as if I were sat close to a flame. I guess you could say I was, I mean my whole world revolved around this amazing woman sat right in front of me, cheesy I know.. She hesitated for a moment before speaking, perhaps waiting to catch her breath too-no. Of course not. But this moment of hesitation gave me a chance to try and memorise every infinite dimension of brown.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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