If i die tonight-destiel

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This is for a competition I'm in on Instagram so it's just a short sweet story. Hope you enjoy, tell me what you think, and please follow me @squiggle180 and @jaredpadelecki on Instagram.

-squiggle out!

The stars seemed to twinkle in the sky like dreams and hope that have sparked to life with thoughts and words of encouragements and love.
Staring at the sky seemed to be the only thing that held Dean together at the moment. All this pain... this fear he felt. He couldn't take it any more. He just wanted it all to end.
The cool hood of the Chevy impala soaked into his jeans, making his butt and thighs numb.
He didn't know how long he has sat out here lost in the stars. His mind seemed to be in a haze of twisted thoughts and emotions that he rarely showed to anyone else. When Sammy saw him cry, it was nothing compared to what he really felt inside. What he dare not show to anyone. Or else they would think of him as weak. As nothing but a scared child looking for his father. He couldn't have people thinking about him like that. Sam already thought he was broken since he came back as hell and If only Sam knew how close to the truth he was. How close to finished he was.
His phone vibrated in his pocket, interrupting the sheer moment of letting his true self out. Tucking it all back inside like the baggage he's used to carrying, he reached into his tight jeans to get out the crappy phone he payed 20 dollars for.
Answering a gruff voice echoed in the background of the small electronic devise.
"Dean?" Sam asked, sleep on the verge of his voice.
"What is it?" Dean snapped. He was running low on fumes and he couldn't take one more of those whiny talks saying how he understood Dean and what he was going through. He didn't have a single clue about Dean was going through it and it pissed him off to heaven and back.
"Where are you man? I woke up and you were gone."
"I.. I just went out for a walk To get some cool air. " He replied. Dean knew Sam noticed the short pause in his sentence but he hoped to god he wouldn't ask about it.
"Well... okay. Come back soon." Sam said hesitantly. Dean sighed, thankful that Sam didn't say anything about it. He may have broke down and he couldn't have done that in front of his little brother. Even on the phone. He knew he had to be the strong one in this relationship. Or else, what would Sammy do without his big brother?
"Okay. Sure." Dean snapped and quickly ended the call.
Sighing, Dean shoved the phone in his pocket and looked back up at the stars.
What was he going to do?
Lost in the stars yet again, he never noticed the sound of wings or The figure next to him staring at the stars in the sky with Dean.
"Beautiful." Cas spoke after a moment of complete silence.
Dean gasped and looked at Cas.
"Damn it Cas! you can't keep doing that!" Dean growled. He was mostly scared that Cas realized how broken he is. Saw that empty look in his eyes at the moment before this that he usually hid around them.
"Sorry... my mistake." Cas replied, glancing over at Dean.
Of course Castiel had noticed how sad and empty Dean was. He always noticed even when Dean was hiding it. He could sense it in Deans soul. Or when he thought no one was looking he could see it in his face and Cas was sick of it. He wanted Dean to be happy. To see the good in things. Hell, to be happy to be arrested like he used to be. But Cas knew, somehow, that he would never see that happy Dean again. That Dean was gone forever.

".. I thought it would join you. it seems like a perfect night to stare st the stars. You and Sam do it together so.... I thought I would join you this time...." Cas shuffled nervously, "I hope that's alright.."

Glancing over at Dean, he saw a small shy smile. A actual true smile that Castiel has not seen in a while on Dean and Cas felt his insides warm up with happiness. At least he did something for Dean to make him happy. Or at least have a small bit of happiness after a long day .

"Sure Cas. I wouldn't mind the company every once and a while."

Castiel smiled at that and looked back at the stars in the pure night sky.

If i die tonight-destielWhere stories live. Discover now