Dolly, it's all alright.

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You sang me Spanish lullabies,

Held me in your arms as I cried that night,

Told me everything was going to be alright,

So I took your word and believed you.


You said this was alright, not a single thing was wrong

As you dipped yourself on top of me--

Held me tight as you took me places I’ve never been,

As I felt feelings I’ve never felt.


All too new, these feelings, were all too foreign,

You said it was alright, said it was fine.

I let you, believed you, for a long time.


Then Daddy came rushing in my room;

He said he was going to work late.

He face when he saw us,

Oh his face,

His pale raged face, as he charged at us.


He beat you black and blue,

I cried at the site not understanding why,

You said it was alright.


I lay in the hospital,

As they check me.

But why do they?

You said it was alright,

As you sang me lullabies every night.


I clutch myself,

Why do they say it’s not my fault?

You said it was alright?


“Dolly, my baby, it was not alright.”

Daddy cries as he holds my small body.  

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