Once in fifth grade I had to write a paper about the concept of love. I took a stance saying that love is just chemicals in the brain and could easily be faked.
I asked my mother once, what she thought of love. She said that she doesn't believe in love.
I simply cannot fathom how she doesn't believe in love. I cannot comprehend how wrong I was just six years ago.
I see now what love is. You have shown me this. This wonderful and ridiculous feeling. The thing that makes my heart jump when you smile. The thing that makes me melt when you laugh. The thing that makes me trust you and care about you.
This thing, love being that thing, is amazing. I am so grateful for you and the fact that you've shown me this. I am so grateful that you give me love and care like no on else does.
I want to spend so much time with you all the time. I want to live my life with you. You are my love.