Chapter 14

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Hyuna's P.O.V

The rose withered as days goes by. I still don't know who left this. But that person, is so sweet. I'm guessing it's Seokjin oppa. But eiii~ no way. It can't be Woojin too. Who is it? Anyways, I'm going to meet PJ unnie for lunch.

Meeting her around BigHit's building, one of the restaurant. I feel like eating tteokbokki and bulgogi. I'm walking towards the restaurant while looking around. Suddenly i got bumped. And my shoulders hurt. I let out a frown.

"I'm sorry." - the person said, panting. Our eyes met. It was Daniel.

"Hyuna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I was in a hurry." - he said, giving me such 'sorry' eyes. I blinked and look away.

"It's okay." - i said.

"Are you okay?" - he asked, concerned.

"Somehow." - i said, massaging my shoulders softly.

"I'm so sorry." - he said.

"It's fine. You should go. Since you're in a hurry." - i said giving him a small smile.

"Yeah i will. I'm very sorry once again." - he said, feeling bad. I gave a nod and a small smile. He left quickly. I let out a pain groan. Aish! My shoulders hurts! Is his shoulders made out of metal? It hurts badly. It's like a strong bang on my shoulders. Aish!

I frowned, massaging my shoulders while walking to the restaurant. I walk in the restaurant and saw PJ unnie. She smiles once seeing me. I let out a small smile while walking to the table. I sit across her.

"What happened?" - she asked.

"Some guy banged me on my shoulders. As if his shoulders are made out of metal." - i said, still massaging my shoulders.

"Aigoo. Was he blind or something?"

"He was in a hurry." - i said. She let out a sigh.

"So let's order. I bet once you get to eat, the pain will somehow go away." - she said. I nod with a smile. I ordered tteokbokki and bulgogi with extra rice.

Once it arrives, we dig in, silently. "Where are you heading after this, unnie?" - i asked.

"Back to the building. The boys are doing promotions here and there. Thank god they are back from America." - she said. Heol. That's right. The boys just got back from the US. I didn't follow because sajangnim nor Sejin oppa told me to. But am proud of those boys.

They're getting busier each day. So I don't really meet them. "You?" - PJ unnie asked. I shrugged.

"I'm bored and have no plans at all." - i said.

"If you didn't call for lunch, i will be rotting at home. That's what I've been doing for days." - i said. She laughed.

"Follow me back to the building then. The boys are there. Actually everyone is there." - she said.

"Well i guess I'm going." - i said.

Fast forward...

I met Haneul, in a room. And she's sitting upside down. Uh.......... "Are you sure you're okay, Haneul?" - i asked. I'm getting worried because of her sitting position.

"Yeah unnie. I'm fine. Don't mind me." - she said, smiling. The door opens, revealing Namjoon.

"Oh you're here, noona?" - Namjoon asked the moment he saw me. I smile with a nod. He went to Haneul and talked to her. I decide to leave room. I don't know where to go. I head to the next door.

"Oh Hyuna! Annyeong!" - one of the makeup artist unnie greeted me.

"Hi unnie." - i greeted her back with a smile.

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