Torn Apart

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I am not strong enough for this

I am far to weak,

It is your smile that I will miss

I was to meek every time you looked my way,

Seduced and hypnotized by your beauty

I never saw my impending doom,

You controlled my demise

My life shook as what you said began to loom,

I gave you my all

Was that ever enough,

Life is pushing me down to watch me fall

Why did you leave after saying you never will,

I get I am weak

But this was not my idea,

I know I was meek

God I miss the way it used to be

Bringing him in wasn't my idea

I was afraid of losing you,

I lost you via you sharing me

It was amusing while it lasted,

I loved you like there was no tomorrow

I gave you everything,

You left with no sorrow

You dug the grave for my heart,

I am broken and shattered

I am far too weak to fix myself,

I am scarred and battered

I was too meek when it came to you,

I was a wild beast

I let you tame me,

You brought out my inner child

Could you blame me,

You had made me calm and better

But now you make me wallow in pain,

I held your hand in my palm never letting go

But now I have to swallow my pride and watch you go,

Why does watching you leave hurt so much

I never wanted any of this,

Something dark is hatching in my heart

It is eating me away ever so slowly,

I said it once and I will say it again killing me would be bliss

But no longer does each kiss make me happy,

I am sorry Miss but you drive my fears

My nightmares will hold you tight because you made the list,

God forgive me for I am weak

I am cutting down my limits more and more,

I am a freak inside and out

And now the feelings wash over me committing acts of pessimisy,

Numb my pain

Or kill me trying,

My life is mundane

I am dying inside with you leaving,

If I wanted to play a game I would of asked for Jigsaw

But look at me now you came into my heart and tore it apart.

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