A world without a choice

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It was a rainy Saturday afternoon when I decided to go to college to empty my locker before Christmas was due. On my way downstairs mom offered me a ride but I preferred walking instead. I snatched my umbrella and headed out of home.

The rain was nothing but few droplets now and then, but eventually it grew so heavily so I started running. In few minutes I arrived. I didn’t assume I would meet anyone but I didn’t except this deadly silence. I closed my umbrella, took out my keys and started emptying my locker into my bag. Suddenly I heard a loud thud from across the hallway, followed by loud manly steps. I held my breath, took out my phone slowly and started dialing the emergency number. As the stranger grew closer my heart started beating faster and faster. I thought of my parents, I thought of my life, I wanted to live. Could this be the last of me on this earth? I started to shake, I immediately looked around me for an escape but the only exit was far across the hallway to where he was coming from.

I could now hear his loud heavy breaths; I decided to “if” there was a chance in escaping I would risk it. So I pulled a book out of my bag and a hair brush and started walking towards him. I had to use every piece of strength I had in every cell in my body. People out there waiting for me was a reason for me to go on.

The second he spoke I went on his head with the comb I had and started hitting, it was funny now when I remember it but back then it was the bravest thing I had ever done in my life. Suddenly I felt his arms around my waist that I screamed so loudly, we both lost balance and fell on the ground with him on top of me. He had his hand on my mouth and I had the comb on his head. Everything went motionless for a second. I opened my eyes to see no one but a familiar guy that I’ve seen once or twice in college and who I remembered his name because I was caught by his beautiful eyes.

I was so embarrassed. I could feel the heat rise up my cheeks and my heart beat faster. And what made everything worse that he was still lying on top of me. “Hey” was all he said. Oh lord, he was smiling.

“Dude get off me!” I practically screamed. I won’t lie and say I didn’t enjoy the situation but I had to act tough.

He didn’t move an inch.

I looked sideways then said: “ugh please your hurting me!” which was a lie because I was pretty much comfortable. He smiled again that annoying smile and said: “You forgot to say something”

“Okay please” I rolled my eyes while saying it. Seriously?

“Something else” he added, “I think you owe me an apology”

“Okay fine I will, but get off me first so we can discuss the matters in normal positions” I said then added in a small voice  when he didn’t move “Please?”. Finally Mr. attitude moved off me and I felt a wave of cool air wash through me.

The minute I looked at him I burst out laughing, a hair brush and a book? Did I really except to kill a murderer with those?! As soon as I started laughing he joined me as well and we both started mocking each other’s behaviors and the way we acted towards the situation.

When we finally stopped I was feeling so light. I couldn’t even remember when was the last time I laughed this much. I was glad I did, even though it was with a total stranger.

“How did you come here? I didn’t see you car parked outside” He asked while helping me empty my locker. “I came on my feet, I didn’t except this much rain. You drove till here?” It was my turn to ask. “Yes but I came probably after you that’s why you might not have seen my car parked outside”.

We went on talking about random things until I was done emptying my locker. “Thanks for the help” I said to him on my way out. I grabbed my umbrella and while I was opening it he snatched it away then said: “Nope you won’t be needing this” and he took it away with him and threw it in his car. He held open the passenger seat’s door and said to me in a dramatic way: “Come inside my lady”.

A world without a choiceWhere stories live. Discover now