"...Just because something isn't happening happening for you right now doesn't mean it will never happen."
This is one of the most hardest to the redundancy and to the Nth level virtues we need to have. If you have heard the quote by my favorite author Anonymous (next to delicious) "The who can master patience is a master of all."
If there are traits that I really want to change for this year, is really lack of focus but i have realized that the lack of focus is not actually my problem. It is this two, I am impatient and get easily distracted.So now, I just want to share my principle about patience. If we are praying for a blessing let us be patient but most importantly let us combine it with FAITH, that positive expectation from God that not only He can but also HE WILL (if what we are praying for is according to HIS will).
PS: There are two things to remember if what we are praying for is not happening.
1. You are not ready
2. God has a better one for you.Be PATIENT Awesome things are about to happen to you this year