Chapter 1

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     "Rise n' shine sleepy head!" My Mom says as she pulls open my blinds letting the light shine blindingly in. The light reflects off my mom's curly red hair reminding me that I have to do something with my own hair.
     "Just 5 more minutes!" I say throwing a pillow over my eyes to shield the light. Suddenly the pillow is pulled away.
     "Young lady! Get out of bed now and come downstairs," my mom says pointing towards the floor signalling to go to the kitchen when I'm ready. God my mom gets so mad over the littlest things. She couldn't even manage a happy birthday.
     I get dressed into a pair of black jeans and a grey polo shirt. This should do for today. I then brush my teeth before pulling my hair up into a bun hoping the curls don't fall out everywhere. I walk towards my door spotting my favourite black jacket with roses that trail up the sides that my dad got for me when he went to Japan for some secret government thing e couldn't tell us about.
     I slowly make my way downstairs. I've always been a silent walker, I don't mean to it just happens. I've surprised many people because of it. The floorboard below my left foot creaks giving me away.
     "Honey, is that you?" My Dad asks from the kitchen.
     "Yeah, it's me," I say walking down the rest of the stairs and slumbering into the kitchen.
     This time it's my parents turn to surprise me. "SURPRISE!" They both yell holding a tray with a cupcake and a small velvet black box towards me.
     "You guys didn't forget!" I smile.
     "Of course we didn't forget! We're Obsears remember and it's Challenge day!" My Dad says excitedly. Challenge day. The day I go into the forest with a quest and a group of people watch my every move through cameras and try to group me as an Obsear, Leage, or Droit. I know sounds like a lot for a 16 year old, but everyone else seems to succeed so it should all go fine. I hope it goes fine.
"Blow out your candle!" My Dad says smiling. If you didn't guess my dad's the optimistic one. My mom not so much. I lean forward blowing out the candle on top of the cupcake. Then I reach for the velvet black box, curious as to what might be in it.
I pick up the box and when nobody stops me I open it. It's a necklace with my name, Lyra, written across it in gold medal since I'm allergic to most silver medals. We found that out the hard way. I stare in admiration at the beautiful necklace.
"This is from the both of us and it's so you always remember who you truly are," My Mom says taking it from the box and putting it around my neck.
Was my mom just hinting that my scores might end up not being Obsear. Does my own mother not believe I'm a real Obsear. I shake the thought from my mind, I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it.
That's when there's a sudden knock at the door. "Oh shit, they came early! You didn't even have time to eat your cupcake!" My Dad exclaims.
I smile. I'm going to miss them. A lot. "It's alright Dad, I'm ready anyways," I say grabbing the cupcake and taking a bite before turning and walking to the front door where my mom is already greeting the Droit who was sent to get me.
I tie my shoes making sure they won't come loose anytime before standing and hugging both my parents. "Good bye! We're going to miss you, but we'll see you soon!" Both my parents say together, but I swear my mom stopped talking when my dad said we'll see you soon. What is up with her. Why can't she just believe in me?
I shake my head before smiling and turning towards the Droit still standing in the doorway. "Follow me," he says before walking towards our driveway.
I wave goodbye to my parents before shutting the door and running after the Droit who walks a lot faster than I thought he would.

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