Sasuke's Smirk (( A Sasuke One-Shot))

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I hate him..I really do. His stupid scoff, his attitude, his views on life. But mostly, I hate that stupid smirk of his. Why can't he just act like a regular kid?! Why does he have to be so depressed on everything?

"Kikoma, I know I'm good-looking, and your head-over-heels for me, but I could do without the staring." He mutters, and I laugh.

"Yeah right." I grumble, turning my gaze away from the emo boy, and to the paper in front off me.

Every once in a while I'll catch him looking up at me, and I'll give him the most hate-filled look I could muster. He just winks, and resumes his test.

Handing my paper to the Sensei, I grab my bag, and walk out the door. Pulling my fishnet arm-covers up, I walk into Ino's flower shop.

"Kiko-chan!" She says, handing me a flower.

"Thank you." I say, as she places it in my hair.

"Sooo, how did it go?" She says, and I raise a brow.

"What go?"

"Your test! To find out if your number one rookie this year or not!" She says, and I laugh.

" would have gone better if Uchiha wasn't there." I say, leaning down to smell some purple flowers.

"Sasuke-kun was there?!" She yells, and I cringe.

"Yeah.." I say, and she gasps.

"You sat next to him?!" She says, and I nod.

"Yeah, he kept messing with me." I say, coming over to her check-out counter.

"No, no, on the house. But anyways, what happened? Did he look at you?!" She says, as she wraps my purple flowers.

"Yeah, he kept winking." I say, shuddering.

"Girl, he likes you! So not fair! I wish Sasuke-kun liked me!" She pouts, and I laugh.

"Ha, like ignorant Uchiha would ever be allowed to like me. I'd kick him in his no-nos first." I say, waving. Heading out of the shop into the dark night, I make my way into the busy streets, attempting to cross.

"My shoe." I say, as the lace comes undone. Stopping in a small alley, I bend down to tie it.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" I hear someone say, and look up. Three men with smirks on their faces peer down at me. Standing, I walk over to them.

"E-Excuse me." I say, attempting to get by.

"No, sorry little girl. We've been kinda bored...Why don't you...entertain us?" He whispers, the smell of alchohol filling the air.

"Uh, sorry, but I gotta go.." I say, but the smaller of the three grabs my arm. Suddenly I'm flung to the back of the alley. My head throbbing in pain, I slip out a kunai, standing at the ready.

"Oh, little girl's gotta knnnifeee." The one in the middle says, and laughs. Stepping forward, I use my other hand to fling three shuriken in their direction. I hit the smallest in the leg, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. The othe two miss, just as I run forward, making a break for it. The middle one trips me, but not before punching me in the gut.

"Please stop, your making this difficult hun." The one I'll guess is the leader says. He walks over, as the middle one holds back my arms.

"Arn't you perrtyy." He slurs, and I turn my face away. Taking out a knife, he presses it to my cheek, earning a muffled scream from me. He hits me hard, then grabs the sides of my waist.

"Look at me! Now." He says. Not moving my head, I get hit again, as he struggles with the top of my pants. The one holding me loosens his grip for half a second, pulling a knife to my throat. I shut my eyes as the pain starts to overwhelm me, as the top of my pants get unbottuned slowly.

"Don't be so uptight gir-"

"Kikoma?! Get away from her!" I hear, and open my tearstained eyes.

"S-Sasuke?!" I say, as two kunai fly through the air, hitting the one holding me back in the arm and chest. Breaking free, I run as fast as I can, only to be tripped by the shortest one, who was still on the ground.

"Who do ya thinkkk you.. are kid?" The leader says, and Sasuke smirks.

"Uchiha." He says, and the leader scoffs.

"Everyone in the Uchiha clan is dead kid, you nothin' but a liar." He slurs, lunging for Sasuke. He quickly dodges, and pushes a kunai into the guy's arm. He screams out in pain, then lunges again. Sasuke side-steps, jumping backwards. He sends three kunai at the leader guys, hitting him with only two. As the guy falls to the ground, Sasuke places a hand around my waist, jumping up to a random rooftop.

"T-thank you.." I say, as he sets me down. Ripping a peice of his sleeve off, he presses it gently to my neck, stopping the bloodflow.

"How did you end up like this?!" He demands, and I cringe.

"I..was walking grandmother's house...and stopped to tie my shoe.." I say, and he nods.

"Don't ever do that again..You could have died!" He says, and I scoff.

"Like you actually care.." I say, and he smirks. I hit his leg.

"Don't you go smirking at me! I hate that!" I say, before coughing loudly.

"You hate my smirk?" He says, chuckling lightly.

"Hell yes. It's freaking annoying! Take me to the damn hospital now." I say, and he smirks.

"The hospital, when you have such a nice view right here?" He says, and I look around.

"It is pretty aweso-Were you talking about yourself?! Cocky bastard!" I say, and he laughs.

"Kikoma, please...promise me you'll learn how to get out of a situation like that." He says, and my eyes widen.

"Sasuke..."I say, and it's his turn with wide eyes.

"That's...That's the first time you've ever called me by my first name.." He says, smirking.

No freaking way..Maybe..I didn't really did I?! That means-!

"Come..come here." I say, and he moves closer to me. I touch his face lightly, moving my thumb across his cheek.

"Kikoma.." He says, leaning in. His mouth brushes mine, before he smashes his lips against me. kissing me with such longing, and passion.

"Oh my god." I break away.

"Can't handle me?" He says, smirking.

"'s just...I fell in love...with your smirk." i laugh, and he kisses me lightly.

"I fell in love with you." He whispers.


Ewwww. I didn't like this one very much ><

Fair winds Wattpaders, Atsu~ :d C;

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2012 ⏰

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