Heartstrings Music Art School

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IDOL FORM xDD : (NOTE: Bear with me, please xP)


Stage Name: 



Appearance: (Note: Please search it on google because.. simply, I can't draw T____T or.. just simply put the appearance that you want to imagine)

Example: http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/normal_mani5.jpg (jpg/png form xDD) or.. pink hair twin tails, pink eyes and so on xD

Anime Character: (the anime that is simply portraying your chara.) 


REAL Personality: (real persona you're showing outside watty land. Not a made up persona) 

Instruments you can play/want to play: 

Favorite Music Genre Anime: 

Favorite Band: 

Favorite Singer: (Note: Non-Asian) Ex. Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, Selena Gomez and so on and so forth  (Lol xD Is this a slumnote? xDD)

Background of your chara: 


1. Do you often socialize?

2. Do you aim to be an idol?

3. Can we be friends?

4. Do you think I can reach your expectations upon this story?

5. Are you an enrollee of OG?

Message to Chiyo: (Lol xD)


N: Chiyo Sakurai

SN: --- (SECRET xD)

B: June 18

G: F

A: http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/normal_mani5.jpg or.. twin-tails, pink haired, pink eyes

AN: Yui Hirasawa

T: singing? acting

RP: C3. Childish, cute, clumsy xDD

ITYCP/WTP: guitar and drums

FMGA: K-ON! and UtaPri


FS: Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, 1D

BG: Living a quite simple yet happy life xD

(So... your turn? xDD)

Ay... Message to Chiyo: You're so crazyyyyyyy and a little insanneeeee \(-_-)/ xDD

~~~BIG NOTE: Hmmm... what else do I have to say? Err... please no comparison to OG. This is very different to OG. Y? Because this story will depicts about high school life and obviously the life of an idol. The hardships and so on xD We're not going to the Anime World. This story.... will depicts on how to become an idol that you're dreaming of. And... ok. ok. Let me clear something. This will be a Filipino/Tagalog story... its not written in English and... this will be a normal style of text so probably... you'll see POV. Whether its your POV or mine... IDK xD So... that's it (Sorry for typing in English text xDDDD Sorryyyyyy~) and... this includes also some japanese words. Gomen, its just that... I got used to it.. So, bear with me? Sankyuuuuu~

Heartstrings Music Art School [Want to be one of us? Lol. I kennot  xDDD]Where stories live. Discover now