October brings the infamous full Blood Moon. In reality demonic forces of evil from higher dimensions send blood rays to wash over the moon in order to herald the up coming evil of Halloween. The bloody moon enrages many paranormal beasts and is one of the causes in increased supernatural activity during the Halloween month of October.The Blood Moon, sometimes called the Sanguine Moon, causes increased aggression in werewolves, and many more people are bitten and transformed thereby causing exponential increases in werewolf activity. The new werewolf births are fitting since the blood moon is the moon of origin for Werewolves. This is also the very moon that marked the Werewolves existence, going back to the Wild Werewolves time. Wolves that are in control during this time will most likely celebrate this Holiday with a feast, and a bon fire, telling stories of the first werewolves late into the night.
Witches do this too, and that Wolves in control are usually the ones that have Witches living within their packs. A Witch's presence calms werewolves, especially when they have visually imprinted on that Witch, or are given special herbal mixes to calm the wolves' heightened senses.
Certain herbs and charms can wade away evil spirits, thus creating a positive healing and calming energy to calm werewolves during this time and allowing them to stay in control.
As a preventative measure some packs with pups or pregnant shewolves hang freshly cut Wolfsbane in windows and doorways. It keeps other unwanted intruders away. Bags of dried Wolfsbane hanging about will work as well. The aroma deters them and even if that wasn’t the case, the plant has mystical qualities that act to send them scurrying into the dark cold night.
During the 12 hours of the full Blood Moon werewolves agression is heightened, along with sexual tension, and it can be extremely tiring and frustrating, which results in the highered anger.
Usually Lunar Tetrad parties will be held for wolves that arn't in control during this time, where the effects of the Blood Moon are numbed with certain, negative substances, until it's passed. This is totally up to the Pack, whether they want to keep a traditional experience on this holiday, or go out and party, submitting to the Moon's negative effects.
heart of a werewolf
Hombres Lobo"what kind of beast do you believe in?" Just me sharing all the important stuff I know and thought I should share!