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Frankly speaking, Kaoru doesn't really like to work as the temporary owner of her parents' flower shop. No, scratch that, she hates the job.

It's not that she doesn't like to take care of the plants, no, she's obsessed with them, she just love the plants, the peaceful atmosphere, the sweet scent of flowers, but there's this one particular customer that is making her wanting to choke herself sometimes, and sometimes is very bad.

She often got orders from elementary schools, kindergarten, parties and even weddings. Well, her parents does all the work, she's just helping, but she swears her parents make the most beautiful combination, ornaments and decoration of flowers in Seoul. Kaoru is not too bad herself, she had been able to make the prettiest corsages and garlands since she was 9.

So, her relationships with the plants are super fine, just this customer. This particular boy is unfortunately a son of her parents' good friend, she was like 4 years old when she met him, in a diaper. He was 2 and a half years old back then.

If you ask the students in their school (unfortunately they studied in the same school, but she already gradutated) about Kim Taehyung, they'll always have the same respond, "Oh, the popular high school's sweetheart? Everybody knows-"

Even the whole town knows who is Taehyung, since he's a social butterfly and he gets along with people so easily.

Well maybe everybody thinks he's such a sweet, kind and loveable boy, but to Kaoru, he's just a clingy boy who tends to annoy the hell out of her since the past 17 years. He still doesn't even know how to do his own laundry.

But God does give mercy to her, Taehyung's already in senior year, which means she doesn't have to meet the annoying fucker at their family dinners, he's going to graduate and hopefully go to a far away university, so that she could finally breath.


The warm sunlight casting inside the flower shop, flowers and Kaoru's room. The alarm clock beeps and a hand hovers over it before switching it off. The bed is already made neatly, the shower is dripping droplets to the cold floor and the sound of the hairdryer howls through the room.

After combing and tying her hair into a pony tail, she skips downstairs and turns the coffee machine on before making herself a simple breakfast.

She takes one last bite on her sandwich, before she flings off the chair and grabbed the red apron hung beside the door with a coffee mug in her right hand, running down the stairs and the scent of soft and sweet immediately comes to her.

Kaoru smiles, placing the coffee mug on the counter and making her way towards the door. She rumbles inside her apron's front pocket for the key, inserting the keys to unlock it before she steps out of the shop, inhaling the fresh morning air.

8.02 AM , is what she reads on her watch.

"Good moring, Kaoru!"

She turns her head towards the voice, her eyes shaped into half- cresents when she saw the owner of the candy shop next door greets her.

"Good morning to you too, Hoseok-ssi"

He turns the CLOSE sign around to OPEN with a smile on it before huffing at her. "I already told you to call me Hoseok, we're the same age Kaoru."

She chuckled as the man makes his way to her. Jung Hoseok is the owner of the candy shop, Hope World as we speak and he is the sweetest man she ever met. Kaoru never see him mad or annoyed, he's 24/7 happy and jolly. He just graduated from 00 University and it was his dream to own a candy shop. He wanted his customers to be happy, to have faith and hope and as he quotes, 'A smile from my customer, blooming a sunflower in my garden.' She sometimes kind of wonders how does he maintain his emotions so well.

"Or do you want me to call you, Kaoru-kun or Kaoru- sama, as well?" He raises his left brow to her and with a sneaky smile of course.

Kaoru shakes her head, "That wouldn't be necessary, Hoseok. Though if want to be blind with my bodyguard, you can start calling me that." She cocks a brow back, crossing her arms across her chest.

He laughs loudly, which is getting some attention from the passer-bys and Kaoru quickly shushed him to lower his voice.

"You're such a mean girl when your parents are not around." Hoseok wipes his tears from laughing so hard.

"'Am not."

He chuckles, "Yeah yeah, Mitsuha." then, his sister calls him from the shop, he answers her back before he says, "I need to get back inside to set up my shop. See you later." He waves before walking back into his shop.

"See you later, Taki."

And with that, they both laughed again before Hoseok disappears into his shop. Kaoru continued her delayed work, turning the OPEN sign, snatching the tall water spray from the counter. Her feet paced to the small but full green house, her parents made and starts her morning routine.

"Good morning, everyone. Ready to start your day?" She stops at the Sharon Hibiscus section and starts to spray the refeshing water over the plants.

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