CH 1: The meeting

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I take a heavy, painful breath. The hot breath that came out of my mouth shows up in the cold, winter air. I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest, darned asthma. I don't have my inhaler either. My chest feels tight, and it aches from the kicks it just got, which didn't help my asthma much. My face stings, my arm is bleeding and my knee is aching. On top of my injures, I can't even run away anymore because of my asthma. 

Here I thought school was supposed to be a safe zone away from the gang fights. I begin to hear voices and footsteps from around the corner of the open walled hall. I lay my head against the lockers behind me.

 I am excepting my fate as a dead man.

It was at this moment that I suddenly feel two hands grab my shoulders, pulling me into a room. I try to jerk away, but I feel a hand cover my mouth. I hear a soft voice shush me. I start to relax a bit. 

I realize that whoever is with me and myself are leaning against a door in a pitch black room. I hear footsteps stop outside the room I am in.

"Where did he go?" The voice of the leader asks. I hear some confused murmurs before the leader sighs.

"Let's continue to look. Come on guys, we can't let him go." The group cheers and the footsteps retreat down the hall. There is silence for a few more seconds before I hear the person next to me take a deep breath with relief evident in their voice.

"Thank goodness. They didn't see or hear us." The voice spoke. 

It was a girl. I feel my face heat up a bit, seeing as I never was very good with girls. I can't see her but I can tell that she is standing up. In a few more seconds, the light comes on, making me wince. I squint up to see the girl looking down at me. 

She was wearing our school uniform. Her ombre hair hung down past her shoulders, contrasting her pale skin. She scrunches her eyebrows together and her hazel eyes turned worried. Her eyes were a little less pointed than most Asian eyes are. 

"Hey, you alright?" She asks. I nod weakly and obviously she wasn't convinced. She sighs and moves to a set of cabinets in the back. 

"I'll fix you up. Just hold on." She walks back over with a first aid kit. I shake my head.

"Hey, there isn't any need for that. I can do it at home." I refuse her. She shakes her head with a small smile.

"I wouldn't leave for a while if I were you, those guys messed you up pretty bad and they may not leave for awhile. So unless you want another beating, I would suggest staying here." She sits in front of me and opens the box. She takes out some disinfectant, bandages, and cotton balls.

She pours out some disinfectant on a cotton ball. She brings it up near my face, not touching it yet.

"This may sting a bit." She then begins to dab my brow with it. I wince from the cold and the slight sting of the disinfectant meeting the scrapes. She apologizes quietly but continues to dab at my wounds. 

"What's your name?" She asks me. I scrunch my brows for a second before answering her.

"My name is Fox." She stops dabbing the wounds on my face and look at me seriously.

"No, your real name idiot." She looks at me disapprovingly. I look away from her. I hear her sigh, her cold, damp cotton continues to treat my face.

"I'll start off then. My name is Minseo." I nod slightly and continue to look away. She stops dabbing my face and rolls up my sleeve. I hear her wince.

"Man, what did you do to these people? Kill their mom?" I smile a little at her joke but just shake my head. 

"Well, Fox, good news is that it isn't too deep. Bad news is that this will hurt." I gasp at the pain of the cold liquid hitting the cut on my arm. She apologizes again and dries around with a clean rag. She then takes the bandages, wrapping my arm. After she finishes, she sits back and smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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