Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Baylee’s POV

            I had finally moved away from my old town in Alabama and I now lived in Cincinnati, Ohio. The movers were in the front of our house and they were bringing our furniture and boxes of necessities in. I carried most of my boxes up to my room myself because I barely trusted anyone with my stuff.

                I walked into the grey walled room. There was black shagged carpet that was so soft that it sunk my feet in till I couldn’t see them. I looked around my room to see that all my furniture was in here so I shut my door and got started unpacking. I moved my bedframe against the wall and I kept my mattress where it was because I knew there was no way in hell I would be able to move it, I would have to get my dad’s help with that. I grabbed posters from boxes and I started to hang them up.

                I have many band posters. I hung them around the room till they covered up most of the wall space. Soon my dad walked into my room and looked around. “Hey Dad, can you put my mattress on my bed frame? If I did that I would probably fall and hurt myself.” I laughed quietly.

                “Sure thing.” He smiled brightly. He took the mattress and put it on my frame for me and walked out. My dad was a bit awkward, he would randomly walk in and then I would ask him to do something and he would say okay, do it, then leave, totally forgetting the main reason he walked in. All well. I put my black sheets on bed, my purple and black comforter on my bed, my pillows and last but not least, my teddy bear.

                I started to unpack more boxes full of clothes, books, and things like that. I knew I wouldn’t finish tonight but I wanted to do as much as possible. I moved my nightstand next to my bed and I took out my Black lamp and put it on my nightstand, including a clock and a journal that I always wrote in before bed.

                I grabbed my full-length mirror and I hung it on my closet door, I most of my stuff on hangers and I put jeans, socks, bras, underwear, accessories in my dresser drawers. I lined my makeup on my makeup stand next to the mirror and I looked around and I was basically done. I had a few more boxes of decoration which I would do another day. I looked around my almost finished bedroom. I looked over at my clock which read 11:47. Mom was going to kill me for going to bed at this time, although, it wasn’t very late in my point of view.

                I opened my dresser drawer, full of neatly folded pajama bottoms and tops, although I knew in about a week or so my dresser would turn into World War III. I took out a pair of plain black sweat pants and a black tank top. I wiped my skin with skin cleanser wipes and I brushed through my hair that looked like a mess. I crawled into my bed to have a well needed nights rest.

***** Next Morning *****

                I woke up to a knock at my bedroom door. Groggy, I got up and went to go yell at who was knocking at like 8:30 in morning. I opened the door and of course it was my mother, trying to throw me out of bed. “Come on get up Baylee, we have a long day of unpacking and later were having the neighbors come over.” My mom said happily.

                “I’ll just finish packing up my room.” I said as I slammed the door in her face. I went to my closet and I picked out an Escape the Fate shirt, black skinny jeans, converse, and a few bracelets. I walked over to the bathroom that was across from my room and I took a quick shower. I came out of the shower and got started on my hair.

                I haven’t done my hair all too great the past couple days, moving from Alabama to Ohio wasn’t exactly the time I wanted to get ‘gussied up’. Spending 7 and a half hours in a hot car would only soil my makeup and make my once was pretty and perfect hair, stick to my face. I blow dried my hair and I teased my layers a bit, did my makeup, and I walked back to my room.

                I started putting away books and hung up some fun decorations like Invader Zim crap and Anime dolls. I put my manga on its own shelf and other boring shelves on the rest of the shelves. The only reason why I had tons of books was to try and read them and make me feel smart but all it did was put me to sleep. I swear- reading regular books is like Nyquil in my eyes.

                I knew at some point I would have to come downstairs and help. I sighed and I opened my bedroom door and I walked downstairs as slow as I could. “Finally!” My mom exclaimed. Well good morning to you too.

                “Yay.” I sighed as I grabbed a box labeled: Movies and a box cutter. I cut through the tape and I opened the flaps of the box. I looked through all the boring movies we had. Dumbo, Hangover Part 1, 2, and 3, and a few home movies which included: My Birth (TMI), school plays, and a few movies I filmed when I was like 6. Now 16, 6 years old seems so long gone. I feel like I have been living forever but I know this is not even one third of my life.

                After spending what seemed like hours of opening boxes and putting things where they belonged, we had to prepare for dinner for our neighbors. My mom made some pasta thing that sounded way too fancy. While they cooked there fancy food I went for a little walk outside and decided to explore the streets. I grabbed my Batman hoodie and I was out the door.

                I explored the street, it was about 5:30 out and it was winter time so it was getting pretty dark. I walked around with my hands in my pockets and I saw a boy, probably 17 or 18 looking at me. I gave him a small look but he ran away before I could get a good look of his face. I shrugged and turned back, I knew our new neighbors were going to be home soon and I had to set the table and make conversation with them. Whoopee. 

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