Author’s Note:
Welcome to Eilowyn’s first full length novel!
I am from the Maritimes, and while I do not have a 1.boat 2.fishery 3.husband or boyfriend that takes me sailing, the ocean still fascinates me. The only experience I have with ocean water is bone-chilling cold, so I have swum before, but only in the dead of summer. Thus, I wrote the beginning of this story at, you guessed it, the beach. (New RiverBeach, to be exact, which is, by the way, the nicest beach in Atlantic Canada minusPEI.) Wanderer is the end result.
As usual, critiques are always appreciated. Regarding critiques, please PLEASE PLEASE be as hypercritical as you can! I am more concerned with content, but flow, grammar, and (heaven forbid) spelling errors are always appreciated too. If you like Wanderer (after telling me why, of course), let other people know you liked it. I just can’t stoop to self-promotion yet. Even if you don’t like it, I know I have the bad habit of just reading a story and leaving it – could I request that you comment on Wanderer just to say you’ve read it??
Regarding the actual content, Wanderer is based (loosely = key word here!) on Chapter 24 of J.R.R Tolkien’s The Silmarillion. Ëarendil, Elwing, Círdan, Erenion, and Elrond “actually existed” (at least in Tolkien’s work), while everyone else is my own creation.
Pronunciation note: Ëarendil is ahh-wren-deel, Erenion air-aign-ee-in and Círdan keer-dan (equal stress). Daeron is day-er-on, Khelek is key-leck, and Alaytar is, well, hopefully sounds like it's spelled. Ah. Lay. Tar.
Princess of China by Coldplay was the soundtrack for this novel, along with One Republic Secrets, Give You Up by Roxette and of course Hero by The Skillet.
Thanks to CinnimintCherry for the awesome cover! I am grateful!
And finally, the dedication is to Yuffie Productions, who is one of my favorite authors on this site. (Try any of her works: you won't be disappointed!) I'm dedicating this to her to hopefully give her a boost and to remind myself of what I'm aiming for when I write. Thank you, Yuffie!
July 5th, 2012.
FantasyShe never dreamed that she would have to give him up. He only dreamed of going. Earendil the Mariner is in love with the sea. It dominates his waking his hours and his dreams. It's beginning to take over his life. He's got to choose what's more impo...