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" Star pass me the bowl "I ask my best friend. "Ash shut the fuck up god damn your so fucking annoying." She stares at me for 30 seconds flat before she lunges off the couch and unto the floor when I am sitting. She has me pinned in 5 seconds. "Star that's not fair get off of me. I just wana smoke" I say in a pleading voice she starts to pass the bowl. I take the bowl take a hit and start coughing. "Grow up"she instantly says.  "You hit that like a little kid"
"Star shut the fuck up I hit yo bitch like a bong" she is left un responsive and nothing to say.

My phone goes of it's my dealer q
"Yo wats up"I say picking up the phone
"Broooo I got scored some addies for free I got bout 10 I'll score you 2 if you want"
"Hell yess get your ass over here" I demand before hanging up the phone.
"Star i just got scored some addies"
(2 hours later)
I still in the window sill waiting for q to show up when he finials does I grab my money and run out side to meet him.
"This shit is stronger than most just a warning" he states in a very serious tone
"Okay" I respond "see ya same time next week"I say walking back towards my house as he pulls out of the driveway.

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