Let Me Know-YoonGi

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Laying in bed now feels tormenting.

What he felt as a relief,
Now became his hell.

He can't stand his lingering smell that refused to leave.
He can't stand the coldness he gets when his hand reaches to grasp the other, only to be met with a cold mattress.

What he can't stand the most are the memories. The memories of him.

He rolled onto his back.
Eyes, now lifeless. Heart, still beating. Hands, now trembling. Mind, now telling him to give up.

He won't listen to those voices again.
Not again.

For his brother, he will stay strong,
and for him.

He won't admit it, but he's scared.
Scared of those demons that have now grown louder and overflowed his thoughts. He's scared they will spill out.

Slowly sitting up, he looks out his room window. He feels pathetic, he's still longing to see him, even though he knows he wont come back.

He grabbed his coat and phone before walking out of his apartment.

He walked slowly as his mind began to wander.
The park in front of him welcomed his broken soul.

His eyes landed on a man.
Broad shaking shoulders, full lips, and light brown hair. His face was shinning, clear tears were rolling down his face. He looked handsome and absolutely breath taking under the light post.

Normally, Yoongi wouldn't care and would turn and find some other place to go, but something in him told him to go to the man.

'What the hell?' He thought as his legs moved almost by their own command toward the shaking figure.

For once the voices in his head calmed.
"Hey" he said carefully.

The man didn't look up.
His eyes were as lifeless as his had once been.
It was almost as though the man was in a trance.

Softly, Yoongi tapped his shoulder.
The man flinched at the touch and slowly looked up.

His breath hitched in his throat.
To him, Yoongi was incredibly handsome. Pale skin almost as light as the moon, shinning as the light reflected onto him. His dark hair falling perfectly on his forehead. Lips in a concerned frown. Eyes beautifully shaped and the color fitting him well. The stranger felt something in Yoongi's eyes. He felt his own pain in Yoongi's eyes.

They both examined each other and came to the same conclusion, 'he was beautiful'

"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you" said the man quickly getting up to leave. "No, I was wondering if I could sit with you" replied Yoongi saddened by how the stranger had replied, almost as if it was said a million times.

The man sat back down and moved so Yoongi could sit. "I'm Min YoonGi" he said while looking up at the sky.

The moon was shinning brightly, it almost felt as though this was all just a dream. The scenery, the day, and the man.

"Min Yoongi..." whispered SeokJin almost inaudible. He felt his name roll off his tongue surprisingly easily, almost like he's used it before. 

After his final little sniffle,
"I'm Kim SeokJin, it's nice to meet you Min Yoongi,"

Something about that name seemed familiar to Yoongi, though he didn't know why.

"Are you older than me?" SeokJin asked kindly while shifting his position to look at the sky.

"March 9th 1993" replied Yoongi.

"December 4th 1992"

"I'm your hyung!" exclaimed SeokJin happily.

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