Heaven and Hell

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I don't believe in a heaven or a hell. What I do believe, however, is that heaven and hell are something.. someplace on earth. It can be a person, a state of mind, a place. It's all about how you feel. To me, hell is a crowded, blue house off of a busy street. Satan is seen here daily. She drinks poison and breathes fire toward a frightened girl and a tired man. The floors and walls are washed clean every few days, but the bloodstains can still be seen if you look hard enough. Of course, nobody really notices that satan has inhabited this home, because nobody else views it as hell. Everyone simply passes it as they're on their way to their own damned places. Heaven, though, is a person I've come to know. She's got soft eyes and gentle hands. I trust that she cares about me, which was hard to do after hurting for so long. While I don't get to see her often, it's a lovely escape from hell when I do. This angel has been a reminder that hell is temporary; mostly a state of mind. Because although I see heaven and hell, everyone else sees a beautiful girl and a small, normal house.  

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