Hermione Granger Loves Severus Snape Story Part 14

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               On the Hogwarts train Hermione, Ronald and Harry where sitting in a cabin when Hermione's bag started to talk and it was Severus's voice so Hermione got up and left the cabin and went to the restroom to hear the message which was:

              "Hermione, don't forget your mission! I will also be sending you a note by MY owl so don't forget that I love you! Always!                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Severus"

so with that Hermione's bag stoped talking so Hermione left the restroom and went back to her cabin with Harry and Ronald and when she got to the Cabin Severus's owl was sitting on one of the benches so Hermione walked over to the owl and took the envelope from the owls beck and opened it and pulled out a note along with a picture of Corrina and Severus in it and it moved and Severus mouthed the words:

                "I love you! Always"

and Corrina was just waving and that made Hermione cry so then she stopped crying and read the note that Severus had wrote which said:

                 "Hermione Jean Granger I have really good news for you! I have talked to Albus and he has given me promission to come to Hogwarts to see you and I am slso to bring Corrina with me and Albus is also making it so that I can sleep in one of the really old offices! Albus has also told me that you don't have to sleep in Gryffindor Commo room! Oh, I almost forgot to tell you I am on the Hogwarts train because Albus needs to talk to me so if you please come to the dinning cart! I also have Corrina!

Severus T. Snape"

so with that Hermione got up and left the cabin where she was staying and Hermione went straight to the dinning cart so that she could see Severus and Corrina and when Hermione got to the entrance of the dinning cart she could not see into the cart so she took out her wand, but before she could Severus opened the door and pulled Hermione into the dinning room cart and once Severus and Hermione was sitting at a booth Severus pulled Hermione down on top of him and started to kiss her and then Hermione pulled away and said:

               "Severus where is Corrina" 

and after that Severus said:

              "She is with Albus untill we get to Hogwarts"

and with that Hermione made a bed appear and Severus laid down on the bed and then Hermione was not sure if she should lay down on the bed and curl up with Severus or tell him to meet her at his new room in Hogwarts and then before Hermione could do anything Severus had got up and pulled Hermione onto the bed and then Severus pulled Hermione ontop of Severus's body and then started to kiss Hermione so much that Severus made Hermione want the kiss and so then Hermione started to kiss Seveus even faster and then Hermione rolled off of Severus and just fell asleep so Severus laid down next to Hermione and then covered Hermione and himself with the blanket that magically appeared and so Severus covered her and him but mostly Hermione was covered and then at 12 o'clock exactly Hermione had a very very bad nightmare so she rolled over to where Severus was sleeping and threw her arms around his neck and that made him wake up and looked at Hermione who was crying into his chest to theat made Severus really concerned for Hermione so Severus sat up and pulled Hermione so that her head was resting on Severus's lap and once she had calmed down Severus asked:

                 "Hermione why did you crawl next to me? You only do that when you have a... Oh my...Hermione you had a nightmare and you were really scared weren't you? my lovely wife"

and with that Hermione looked up at Severus and then got up and then she went to sit on his lap and Severus said:

                  "Okay time to change the subject look babe you can see the Hogwarts castle from here so I guess that you will probably go to the Great Hall with Potter and Weasley right"

and then Hermione was about to say something when ALbus showed up and had a really scared look on his face so the Severus said:

                   "Albus what is wrong? Does it have anything to do with Corrina"

and with that Albus said:

                 "Severus nothing is wrong with Corrina the thing is that you will have to apparate to the castle under Herry Potter's unvisible cloak so that you will not be seen by the other Proffesors when we get to Hogwarts so Hermione if you want to join Severus you need to get Harry's cloak and your things and then come back here and then we shall go off to Hogwarts" 

so with that Hermione left both Severus and ALbus and went to the cabin where Harry and Ronald were sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2012 ⏰

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