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So you've found it. The prelude to this book. Did you think this was the first chapter? I bet you did. I guess in a sense this IS the first chapter, but this is not the first chapter. It does not add to the story. This is merely the messenger.

You won't be seeing the first chapter for another week. In fact, you might not want to. You never know what a storyteller can do to a story. They can make you read what you'd never want to read. They can twist it, turn it, reverse the plotline at a moment's notice, and you'd never know until it hits you like a brick ten chapters later. That innocent childhood friend could become the main antagonist. That horrible prison camp can turn into a sanctuary. That evil psychopath that murderer the main character's parents? You might see them getting married as the book ends.

Is this Inanimate Insanity? Yes. There is no doubt. I swear upon it that this is the same show, the same characters, the same prize...

But as for the rest of it, there's no guarantee.

Happy waiting.

This is Inanimate Insanity 2, I swear!Where stories live. Discover now