The First Day

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            "I can't believe its time,come on Britney wake up its day you get to see your school and............come on wake up,''Britney groans,''Oh come on just a little more Rina its school not like I won a lottery,"so Britney groans and lazily drags herself out of bed and gets dressed in a red short skirt and a white short sleeves with a black jacket which was the school uniform. She ran downstairs to see no one awake she looked at a her watch it was 6:15."Rina,I never thought I would ever see this day,the day I wake my mum up,''Britney went upstairs to her mom room and made a soft knock on the door and entered,she knew it was her mom in the showers.

           She waited on her mom's bed while her mom came out of the bathroom on her new purple towel that aunt Ariel bought for her but Britney stood up and said,''Woman how long does it take you in the shower I've been waiting for you for 20 minutes and you just taking your shower.''''Well,am sorry lady Britney but do you know how long it takes you too get dressed but Darling, if you can't wait the keys to the convertable outside and might I say you look good."Britney' s mom came downstairs and got inside the car,she went off to the school.

                        They had been driving for hours now,soon they pulled up to a big building which was her new school.Britney gazed with excitement and looked out the window seeing different students some with the uniform she had on and some were on casual while the others had a different uniform,soon she saw aunt Ariel who was waving at the front of the car,she opened the door for Britney to come down.Britney came down with her mom and followed aunt Ariel to the principal office and while she was with the principal the woman informed Britney about the school's rules and regulations.While Britney was in the office she heard a voice that sounded very familiar and when she looked outside what she saw a black hair and an anklet on her right leg as she  passed to the next  corridor,she turned to the principal who assigned a blond girl with tanned skin on casuals with dark blue eyes to show Britney around the school.Britney left with the girl while her mom sat with the principal and while Britney went to the library,hostel,football court other she saw where the boys where all sweaty after the game she saw the cheerleaders and and students in crowd cheering them on.Soon Britney starts screaming and shouting then slumps....................

          What happens next does Britney die or those the hidden girl show her the next chapter these will all be known.

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