Chapter one:The goat and man with a dice head and twin guys with cups for heads

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It was a normal day at the casino. Drinking, crap shooting, blackjack you name it. Today when I was playing a nice game of blackjack agains this old man-yes, I was going to cheat and take his soul-when two guys walked in. I took a look at them. They were new around here. They had cups for heads. I continued my game but I still payed attention to these new people. After I won this blackjack game and took the old mans soul. I walked over to watch them play. They were on a winning streak. "Hot dawg! these fellas can't louse!" I exclaimed.

"Nice run boys" somebody said. It was The Devil. "Now, how about we raise the stakes?" He asked. The two boys-brothers looked surprised and the blue one looked a little scared. "Win one more roll and all the loot in the casino is yours!" His voiced boomed. "But if you lose, I'll have your soul! deal?". The red one quickly rolled the dices he had. "Good gosh, Cuphead no!" Cried the other cup but the other one all ready rolled. "Snake eyes!" The devil laughed "you lose!" The cup-brothers we're scared. "Now, about those souls...." The Devils voice boomed. "Th-there must be another w-way to repay you." The blue one scampered. "Yes p-please mister!" The red one added. "Hmm, perhaps there is"The Devil snickered and pulled out a parchment "I have here a list of my runaway debtors. Collect their souls for me, and I just might pardon you two mugs" he said. "Now get going!" My boss roared. Kicking the boys out rudely. "You have till midnight tomorrow to collect every one of those souls! Otherwise I'll be the one collecting yours!". I watched the boys run off afraid. The place was quiet after that. "C'mon this place is a casino, not a music reticle!" I exclaimed them went to play poker and everyone was talking again.

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