Chapter 6 - I like him

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Nick POV

It's been a week after my encounter with Blake in Candice' s classroom. I hope she would have recovered from her injuries. How come she is not affected by me; whereas my thoughts are fully revolving around her. This provoked my self esteem. So I have decided not to think about her.

Today I had some works to be completed, so I stayed late in college. While I am leaving for the day, I saw Hanna and Andrea were waiting in the parking space. Why Candice is not there with them, Did I yearned for her presence?. I was shocked with the thoughts.I shook my head and made my way towards Hanna.

"Hey Hanna.." I waved at her.

"Hi Nick..." She replied.

I once again assured myself not to seek or talk about Candice while asking Hanna.

"Why are you guys still here?" I enquired her.

"We are waiting for Candy... She went to submit her assignments...But she is not back.." she said worriedly.

"Any problem?" I asked.

"Not exactly..We were waiting here for a long time.. I am just thinking she is getting scoldings from Mr.Potts for late submission..I am little bit worried.." She said.
"What? Mr.Potts went out a little early today" I said in anxiety.

"Have you gave her a call" I asked.

"Ya I tried.. But she didn't pick up.." She told.

"Don't worry Hanna.. I will go and check on her.." I said and went to search her.
I got Candice number from Hanna and tried calling, but no reply. I searched everywhere in the building but found no one. When I searched in second floor I saw notebooks scattered there. I checked the things on the floor. It belongs to Candice. I heard a sound of sobbing. I saw a door near me. It was locked outside. I found it weird because it was the only door locked in this floor.

I banged the door and shouted "Candice... Are you there...?".

After few seconds I heard Candice voice with a sob "Please open the door...I am scared..Please...".

I am sure the voice belongs to Candice. She sounded weaken. On hearing her weakened voice my mind went crazy. I can't think straight. I just want to save her no matter what.
I had no other option than to broke the door. I banged the door like a mad man. It took me seconds to broke and when I went inside. It was pretty dark. I switched on the flashlight from my mobile and searched for her. I found her in the corner burying her face in her hands, and crying. On seeing her in this way I felt miserable.

I ran near her and called " Baby doll".

She raised her head hesitatingly. Once she saw my face I can tell she is feeling relaxed. 

"Nick...." she screamed my name in relief and hugged me. She was uncontrollably crying while resting her head on my chest. Timidly I hugged her back and held her in my arms while she cried. 

"Don't worry Baby doll...I am here..You are now safe in my hands." I said while caressing her head. But she didn't stopped her crying. I hugged her tightly to comfort her. After a while her sobbing got decreased. 

Her eyes got puffy due to continuous crying. She wiggled from my hold but I held her tighter. Her face went pale because of my action.She raised her head and saw me with her teary eyes.I just don't want her to be hurt now because of me. I loosened my arms from her.

"Are you okay Baby doll?" I asked worriedly. She nodded her head in confirmation. I helped her with her stuff and soon Hanna and Candy came there.

I explained everything to Hanna shortly. She thanked me for helping Candice. I told them that I will drop them home. We rode to Candice's place. Till now Candice didn't talk to anyone. She still didn't came out from that shock. My heart ached seeing her like this. I stopped the car in front of her place. She said bye to everyone and went inside her home. I can't meet her eyes because I felt angered at myself for not able to protect her.

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