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Jilly Anais

"Thanks stranger

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"Thanks stranger ." I slurred to the man in the Uber that dropped me off back at the Curry House. He didn't say anything and drove off.

He's rude.

I stumbled up the driveway and I started digging into my wallet to find my keys. As I was searching, I heard a car in the distance. I turned around to see Stephen pulling up.

Oh shit.

I looked around and couldn't find anywhere to hide. I jumped in the bushes, landing my knee on a rock. Fuck did he have rocks in his mulch. I bit my lip to not scream. With the littlest bit of vision, I see him get out of his car and grab his bag and shutting the door.

My hairs on my skin prickled on my left leg. I looked down to see it was a spider.

"SHIT!" I screamed, standing up and trying to get out the bushes. Once I got out, I faceplanted into the sidewalk. I just now remembered Stephen watched me make a fool of myself. I looked up to see him standing over me, shaking his head.

"Get up and get inside."

"But my wallet." I whined. He went into the bushes and tossed it to me. I caught it by its' long gold chain and I walked inside. I saw the television playing.

Fuck. Ayesha was up too.

"Is that you Jillian ?"

"Yes." I sighed, walking into the living room and sitting on the couch. Ayesha looked over and rubbed her hand on her stomach that has two more months before it exploded.

"So who told you that you could go out ?" Stephen said, turning on the light and giving Ayesha a peck. He turned to me and sat on the edge of the couch.

"And who the fuck gave you hickeys ?"

I just shrugged.

"Some guy in the club."

"So you just let someone put their lips on you ?"

"I mean if they want to then fine."

He just shook his head and stormed upstairs despite Ayesha's protests. She sighed turning off the television. She came close to me and held my hands.

"You know I love you but you have to respect certain rules. You didn't tell us you were going anywhere. Wardell was worried and went looking for you right after his game. You could've been hurt somewhere on the side of the road and we didn't know. I-"

"Thanks mom for the unnecessary speech."

"Jillian, I just want you know I'm here if you need someone to talk to."

"Whatever Ayesha. I'm not fucking five, stop treating me like I'm a child."

I pulled away from her soft embrace and walked upstairs. I heard Steph talking on the phone so I knew he was probably telling Uncle Wardell about what I've been doing.

Fucking snitch.

I was only his cousin. Not Riley or Ryan. I was only two years younger than that fucktard and his cookie cutter wife.

I walked into the room I was staying in and slammed the door shut. I didn't care that I would wake Riley up. Her little badass be in my room, playing with my shit. I took a shower and laid in bed, looking at my luggage in the corner.

Tomorrow , I was flying to Colorado Springs to start training.

Thank God because I hate it here. I hate Steph. I hate Ayesha. I hate being here.







Klay Thompson.

"Klay, I need your help dude

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"Klay, I need your help dude." Steph said, calling me on the phone. I was sitting with Rocco and drinking a beer.

"With what now ?" I joked.

"Haha. You are so fucking funny."

I snickered to myself.

"There's this girl-"

"You cheating on Ayesha ?" I asked with wide eyes.

"No. I'm slow but not stupid."

"Okay good."

"But I need to watch someone at training and the actually Olympics."

"Why ?"

"Don't ask me why. It's my cousin Jillian. "

I owed this man more than my life so I had to agree. I sighed before speaking.

"What sport ?"

"Indoor Volleyball."

"How will I even notice her ?"

"She catches everyone's eyes. She's tall too. And loud and cocky. You will notice her because niggas are dogs and will tell you about her."

"Why am I doing this ?"

"I just need you to watch over her."

"I swear if this some bull-"

"It's not. Just keep her out of trouble. Do whatever you have to do."

"Whatever I have to do ?"

"Whatever you have to do."

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