A little Fanfic

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After escaping the ghost zone (again) Spongebob, Danny, Cosmo & Wanda and Jimmy slammed through the doors of Vlad's Mansion hoping to save Timmy who Vlad had captive. There he was Timmy with his head slumped sitting on the stairs that led to Vlad's throne who Vlad himself was sitting in sipping on some wine while greeting the United. "I'm glad you boys could make it" Vlad said getting off his throne with an evil smirk, walking down a few steps only to stand by Timmy, "Your little friend was waiting for you" he said while stroking Timmy's hair.
Jimmy ran up to Timmy with Cosmo and Wanda following, he shoved Vlad out of the way and went on his knees near his friend. "Timmy, Timmy are you alright?"Jimmy asked but no response so Jimmy grabbed Timmy's face and lifted it up only to see a face stained with old tears, eyes pale blue and dead instead of a lively ocean blue.
Shock ran down the Boy geniuses' spine he turned to Vlad "What did you do to him?" Jimmy asked bearing his teeth letting go of Timmy's face letting it slump down again while Cosmo & Wanda was trying to help Timmy "Oh why go into details let's just say he cried so much when it happened screaming for his friends to save him" Vlad said and once he did Danny's face looked so angry and said "You broke him" Danny said pissed off. "Yes so what if I did but I'll be more then glad to undo what happened to the boy you care about the most if you join me" Vlad said but instead Danny punched him in the face in a fit off rage thus starting a big Ghost fight with Spongebob joining him while Jimmy attended to the his beaver friend.
Vlad was right about Danny caring about Timmy because he was like a little brother, Vlad was also smart to go after Timmy knowing he was the most scared of him even though Spongebob was afraid of ghost, which is understandable because Vlad was the creepiest one of the Syndicate scary enough to scare a 10yrold.
"Timmy, can you hear me"Jimmy asked shaking the boy worryingly while Cosmo & Wanda started crying "He cannot hear you boy, he is completely Shattered inside" Vlad said floating towards the 2 while leaving a tired Danny and Spongebob.
A blast of magic hit Vlad right in the face "LEAVE MY GODSON ALONE YOU MONSTER" the overprotective, crying Fairy God Mother said starting a ghost vs fairy fight with Cosmo following.
"I know you're stronger than this Turner so please come back to me" Jimmy said then Timmy slowly lifted his head like a zombie only for Jimmy to see eyes still pale but saw a glimpse of life in them as if Timmy heard him but only for a second then it was gone. Jimmy then hugged his friend with a single tear dripping down his face knowing that his best friend was truly gone knowing that he won't have any one to talk to and understand anymore.
Then Jimmy felt 2 arms wrapped around him, Jimmy was shocked so he scooted back and saw a bright blue eyed smiling boy, he hugged Jimmy again and said "Thank You". The 2 boys were then picked up by a weird green power source and were being levitated in the air "it doesn't matter if he is fixed now because I still have all 4 of you" Vlad said clenching his fist while Jimmy and Timmy were holding each other in fear.
A blast of a ghostly wail caused by Danny knocked Vlad into a wall throwing him unconscious then Danny flew up to catch Jimmy and Timmy before they fell hard on the ground.
"Okay guys I'm ready to get out of here" Spongebob said looking at Timmy "okay guys I wish we were back at Jimmy's lab and with so that wish was granted. "Danny about today I-"  Timmy would have finished if "Shut up" Danny said as he hugged him "Don't scare me like that again lil bro" Danny continued "say Jimmy how did you fix him?" He asked "It must've been true love that fixed him" Spongebob said happily.
"N.. No it must've been the body heat that woke him up" Jimmy said blushing trying to find a scientific explanation.
"Well I don't care let's just go home"Danny said while Jimmy was activating the portal "see ya" Danny said then left Jimmy activated the portal to Spongebob's world "goodbye you guys" Spongebob said and left. "Okay Turner your turn" Jimmy said "You know what I'll think I'll stay here for a few days"Timmy said Cosmo and Wanda looked at each other in confusion "Lay low" he said "but Timmy what about your family?" Jimmy asked "I think we know they don't care, besides-" Timmy gave Jimmy a smooch on the cheek "I'd like to spend some time with my favorite person" he said than ran out of the lab leaving a blushing Jimmy .
"Um alright" Jimmy said.
The End.                                                                                              
I know it was short but I got kinda lazy and go to my YouTube channel just look up Bethany Yanger

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