How The Fuck Did This Happen?

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"Fuck you too, you fucking annoying ass alarm. " I growl as I try to go back to sleep. 'I'll just get up for my next alarm' I think to my self.

~Ten minutes later~

"I don't wanna go to school~ Ugh~" I groan again and reluctantly roll out of bed with a big *thunk* as my body makes contact harshly with the ground. "Ouch." I stand up and do my morning routine.

~Time skip after school brought to you by how boring it would be if I didn't~

I start my walk home, happy it's a Friday. I get a message at 12: 34 precisely saying 'Wanna travel to a different world? Want to experience things you could never get in this boring world of ours? ' the -what I think was an add- says. But being the idiot I am, I tapped it.

A bolt of electricity shoots through the hand I was holding the phone with, making me drop it. I hold my hand in pain and try to shake the pain out of my hand and arm. 'Damn that hurt. What was that? 'I think and feel a wave of nausea flow through me. I take a drink of water, pick up my phone and try to hurry home so I can take some medicine.

As I am walking, the nausea over flows me and I abruptly sit down. 'What the fuck is wrong with me? I am only a Freshman, I shouldn't have to deal with this shit yet. ' I think. But no matter what I thought, I still passed out for an unknown reason. But a second before that it feels as if my body is being shred apart. 'Why..? ' And darkness, as expected.

*Classic magical shit goes down*
*Mind of Nylah*

"Hey lil girl, come here." One of my Dad's friends beckon me over. "Yes Mr?" I ask with a polite smile, despite my shaking hands. "So, let's be honest. You're not a virgin are you? A pretty girl like you surely lost it." He pushes. I shake my head, earning a scowl from him. "I know you're lying, it's not nice to lie to adults you know... I think you should be punished... " He says with a sickening smile.

"*Ahem* Can I know why you are threatening my twin?" A strong voice that instantly gave me comfort says. My brother raps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest and I curl up in his arms feeling safe. "Ah, the twins brother always seems to come to her rescue. But you suspect too that she lost her virginity already right?" The sick man asks.

"Nylah, let's go." Brother says and we walk away, without looking back.

We go to our bedroom and go to get ready for bed. It was my turn to dress in the bedroom and brothers turn to use the bathroom. When I stripped down into only my underwear, about to release my bra, the door opens and brother steps in.

"Noah, wha-" I say, before I can cover up my bare skin he pins me to the wall. "What the hell?!? What's gotten into you?! " I yell at him and struggle against his hold. Not yet strong enough to break through. I become tempted to kick him 'there' but decide against it.

"You don't actually think I ignore everything they say right? " He asks calmly, referring to what dads friend said earlier. "You should know I would never at this age! I'm only 13!" I exclaim. "But I don't want to let anyone else take it. I don't only see you as my twin sister and best friend, but even more. " He says deeply in my ear. "But, but that's bad! We are related by blood! Brother, do you actually think this way? " I ask sincerely.

"Yes. Now don't fight back, I don't want this to be any more painful. If you fight back bad things will happen to others. You don't want that right? " He asks with a scary smile. "Brother, what happened to yo-aahhh-stop!!!!! " I say and try to push him off.

*Warning disturbing content skip 5 paragraphs*

He stays put and starts to rub my pussy, making me a little wet. "Shhh, don't want anyone to hear." He mumbles in my ear. He sticks a finger in and I groan a little. The strange feeling makes me feel warm down there. He picks me up and lays me on his bed, removing my panties. He starts to finger me and adds another digit. "Shit, stop, this isn't right-nngghhh" He adds another finger and goes faster.

"Moan my name, or else. " He says lowly in my ear. A bit of fear makes me do as told. "Noah~" I moan out in shame. He pulls out his finger and licks them, he then pulls down his pants to show his erected dick. 'Shit, this is bad, but when he threatens someone he always go through with it. Screw it, I need to protect my friends, if this is the cost, then so be it. ' He grabs a condom out of his drawer and slide it on, then he starts to push his dick in and moans out, fuck. A few seconds of unbearable pain shoots through my whole body then goes away. He starts to thrust as we both start to moan. He keeps softly moaning my name as I just moan in shame. He flips us around and makes me grind against him and bounce. My head falls on his shoulder, "suck and bit on my neck" He orders seductively. I do as holds and his moans increase. Found a turn on I guess. I bit where I sucked on a little and his hands grip my hips as he makes me pound into him. Our moans increase and we freeze when we hear the front door slam shut, indicating dads home.

Noah pulls me under the blankets with me and we pretend to be asleep, spooning. He takes this chance and slips himself back into me, softly thrusting and waiting till we year the bedroom door shut. He grabs my leg to get better access and thrusts deeper, making it almost impossible to hide my moans. He let's go of my leg but doesn't pull out as our bedroom door opens. We pretend to be asleep and I move a little to get more comfortable, and refrain myself from moaning. Dad doesn't notice and leaves.

Once his door shuts Noah goes back to fucking me. He can't hold back any longer and comes in the condom (thank god) and throws it away. As I am about to get up to go to my bed he pulls me down and starts licking my pussy. I moan as he gets deeper and I can't help but put my hair in his hair and push to get his tongue deeper. I end up coming in his mouth and he swallows it all. No mess on the bed surprisingly.

He pulls me into my arms and fall asleep. I do too, not that I wanted any of this to happen, I can't believe I just lost my virginity.. To the only person I trusted and loved... Only as my brother, not a lover.

*End of caution area. Out of Nylah's mind*

"Uuuggghhh~" I groan as my body feels like it is being poorly put back together. "Oh, it's awake? So it's not dead yet, is it?" A male voice rings out. "No shit Sherlock. " I growl to him. I look in the direction of the voice to see a black haired boy with streaks of blue running through his hair.

"Sherlock? Who the hell are you? " He asks, stepping towards me to get a better look. I pull the hood of my... Cloak? What the hell? "Um... Nolan..? Nolan Skylar." I say, deciding to give a fake name.

"So your a guy?" He asks bluntly, that's when I realized that he can't see me. Perfect. "Non of your business. Where are we anyway?" I ask. "Fiore, Magnolia, of course." He says and smirks, "how do you not know that? " I glare at him and stand up, a weird feeling courses through me and I loose my balance and stagger a bit.

"Wait, did you get drunk and thats why you don't know where you are, and why you can't stand straight? " He asks and I shake my head. "No, I was kid napped by some wizards and they drugged me up on some magic. " I say sarcastically but he takes it literally. "Oh! Then I should bring you to the guild nearby! Fairy Tail!" He announces and drags me off as my mind races.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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