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     Dear kids who made fun of me at school, 
       My skin has blemishes and my thighs have stretch marks. The scares on my body form a map, showing people where I've been. I never dressed as nice as you. And I was never as "cool" as you. I dont hate you for hurting me. To say I have never wrongly taken my anger out on someone would be a lie. Its okay your human, now that I have accepted you, will you take me as I am?

    Dear mom and dad,
       I wasnt exactly the easiest kid to raise. I had anxiety and depression and sometimes you didnt know how to handle me. I hid in my room trying to avoid you but I should have spent every waking minute of my life with you because you were the only two people how truly loved me unconditionally. Mom, Im sorry I fought with you when you had cancer and were taking a break with dad. My heart was broken. It hurt for you. Thank you for loving the real me. Not the fake person I pretended to be to please those around me.

     Dear siblings,
       I hate you losers. But your the greatest little losers Ive ever hated. You annoy me, but its okay. Your my siblings I have to love you.

    Dear Mr. Bangs my 6th grade teacher,
     I will never forget you. You helped me fide a new levle of hurt. A new levle of anger. I never could figure out what I had done so wrong to you. If I had the confidence then that I have now, your ass would be grass my friend. Fuck you, because you did not
know me but still felt the need to judge the pudge 11 year old girl who did nothing but good things and hard work to do good in school.

    Dear God,
      Humanes are by far your most amazing creations. Each one of us is perfectly imperfect. I have mad peace with my flawess and thank you for them. They make up the real me. Not the person I am around my friends, not my teachers, nor my parents. If I were to live alone, completlyby myself, in an empty white room. The way I paint unique pictuers in my mind, the stupid jokes that I use to make myself laugh then laught some more at my laugh. The way I can't sit still and am always jumpy and moving around. The person that I would be if I never felt the pressure to be someone Im not. You take the real me as I am. Every little imperfection. And you love them.

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