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Hunter S. Thompson once said that "You can turn back on a person, but you can never turnyour back on a drug, especially when it's waving a razor sharp hunting knife inyour eye". The poison will fill your mind. Burn your soul. Blow your heart. Flirtingwith death and inviting the devil turning your back on God as you turn yourlife down .Drugs is not the answer to hunger, drugs won't be the answer toforget the pains because drugs will be more than just a pain.

Drug is a choice but drugs will never be a right choice. Even we know that drugs is not right and it can cause a bad habits but some people are still using it. I know they have a wide reasons why they are doing it maybe they are trying to escape from reality or rebelling.. Some people are using drugs because they wanted to escape from reality they wanted to run away from their problems. Drugs are making people doing things that aren't right, but making them not to think straight and when people don't think straight they will make the wrong choices. When people make wrong choices it usually puts people around them in danger, which isn't good to have citizens in danger. But all I can say to the drug users is to face every struggles in our life. We can't solve the problem by using drugs just face the reality and fight the struggles in life, problems are just challenges in fact without problems we can't learn anything. We should know that life is precious we should value our life because many people are craving to live longer we should open our eyes and leave the dark part of you to see the wonderful world and colorful life. Don't let anyone put in danger because of you, every people wanted to live peace and happy.

If you want to have a better future stop using drugs and focus on your love ones spend the rest of your life to your family and live happily choose the right path and fight all the challenges in life, there are ups and downs in life but we need to fight for it to commit the better life and success. Being addicted to drugs is like flirting with death, you are taking the poisonous love that you think you were in heaven yet it will drag you down to deepest corner of hell leaving your precious body turn into ashes. Yes, it will always invite you to feel the pleasure you've been craving for, it will keep your body numb from all the pain but death will marry you in the end leaving yourself a deathly honeymoon to remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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