Chapter one- A new life

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As I shoved the last box into the back of the car I turned around to glance at the house I once called home. It looked almost haunted now because of the last memories that it held. I feel my moms hand rest on my waist for a second before she walks towards the driver seat. Mom and Sofi want to forget this house ever exisited, that this life ever existed but I cant that easy. No matter how bad things turned out, this was the house that I grew up in. The house that I first walked, talked, and the first place I held my baby sister. I hear my mom honk the horn and I sigh loudly.

"Goodbye." I whisper before turning around and jumping into the car.


"Home sweet home." My mom mutters out as she opens the door widely and goes towards the back of the car. I stare up at the run down house in front of me. The dingy gray color makes the house look washed out and its uncut grass only adds to its beauty. Sighing I open the door and go to help my mom. Sofi is already in front of the house trying to open the door but she is struggling.

"You need a key Sofi!" I yell as I grab the key from my moms pocket before walking over to her. As I swing the door open Sofi runs in, filled with curiosity. I peak my head in to see that its just like outside. Old and run down.

Yeah moms right, home sweet home.


"Camila!" My mom yells from down the stairs. I push the empty box under my bed and stare around my room. The walls are supposed to be white but to me it looks brown. The wood on the floor is unleveled, but that doesn't bother me as much as the walls. I walk towards the window and stare outside, observing my new permit residency. I catch a glimpse of someone running into the house beside me before running back out with another person. I press my hands to the window to see more. Soon I hear a crack and the glass shatters.

"SHIT!" I yell as one of the glass cuts my hand. As I look back outside I notice the two people stopped running and looked towards me. One is a tall boy with dark brown hair who wears all black. The other is a girl with long black hair who wears shorts and a red top.

"You okay?" He yells up. I look at them wanting to respond but at the same time I don't. No one wants to hear the true answer to that but I know he isn't asking it seriously. Taking a deep breathe I turn around and walk down the stairs towards my mom.

"What happened?" She says worriedly as she grabs my hand gently. I shake my head and grab a napkin before placing it on my palm.

"Nothing mom. Although, I need a new window." I say laughing a little. My mom shakes her head not finding anything humorous. "What, I find it hilarious that the window broke while I was spying on the neighbors. Ironic huh?" My mom rolls her eyes and soon the doorbell ring.

Not bothering to grab a bandaid I run towards the door and swing the door open. There the boy dressed in all black stands in front of me but this time I can see his face. His dark brown eyes stare at me worried but soon his pink plumb lips turn into a smile. "Came to see if you were okay." He says leaning against the door. "Seeing as you are checking me out, I would say you are." He says confidently.

"Not checking you out, observing you." I retort crossing my arms. He nods his head and grabs my hand that the napkin is wrapped around.

"Excuse me, I barely know you and you already want to hold my hand?" I say jokingly which causes him to laugh. He peels the napkin back and observes the cut on my hand. "Are you a doctor?" I ask curiously.

He laughs, "no." I snap my hands back to my side. "Then what are you doing?"

He reaches for my hand again and grabs the napkin in my other hand, pressing it against my palm. "I know when something is infected, so I was checking." I nod my head and he just smiles at me.

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