Kissing Monster Problems

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Everyone knew it was hard to satisfy the kissing girl’s needs. It was dangerous to not claim your property when the girl was around…

Case 1. (Atsumina) 

The young ace searched the room for the eternal ace. It was the first time in weeks that Jurina was able to spend her free time during rehearsal sitting side by side with Atsuko. Filled with innocence and hormones, she couldn’t help but cling onto the taller girl, her face craning for a kiss.

"Acchannnnn, I haven’t seen you in ages. You’ve been so busy with your dramas that I don’t get to see you anymore," the younger girl pouted.

The ace couldn’t help but give her nose wrinkle smile and returned the hug. Whilst tackling and hugging, the pair could do nothing but giggle in content with each other’s company.

On the other side of the room, the short captain couldn’t concentrate on the new dance moves only to see her Atsuko laughing and giggling with someone who wasn’t her. It wasn’t her fault she gets mad sometimes at the young ace. Everyone knew that girl couldn’t help but get her hands and mouth touching property that didn’t belong to her. 

The usual calm demeanour the captain usually displays was gone within a matter of minutes as she stormed across the room to retrieve something that belonged to her.

Without saying a word, she grabbed the group’s ace by the wrist and pulled her away from the kissing monster.

"Wooahhh, Takamina! Calm down for a sec will you? What’s gotten into you?," the ace questioned as she was being pulled towards the bathroom. It was always like this. She would never get a response from the stubborn girl until they were alone in a room.

Just as the both of them set foot in the room, all Atsuko could hear was the door locking and its cold surface suddenly against her skin.

With her hands pinned around her head, the captain finally gave motion that she was ready to answer the question.

The room was silent. No one was saying a word while they gazed into each other’s eyes.

Finally making a move, the leader leaned in closer, whispering into the ace’s ear making her blush and turn her head to the side. Forcibly, the midget made Atsuko look at her by grabbing her chin only to kiss her roughly. The ace couldn’t help but return the kiss with as much vigour.

"Don’t forget that you are mine….and only mine."

Case 2. (Kojiyuu) 

Yuko knew the dangers of leaving the cat alone with the kissing monster on the go. There were all sorts of dangers of just leaving the cat alone in general.

Against her own wishes, Yuko kept to herself that day when the couple quarrelled early on in the morning.

Entering the practice room with a frown, all the members had knew what had happened. It was always the same old.

"Nyannyan mad at you again for touching her body in public again?" the gachapin asked as she approached the midget.

"That’s rude! It’s called ‘skinship!" Yuko retorted only to lean on the younger girl in broken sobs.

On the other side of the room, the tall beauty and the captain could be seen chatting.

"You don’t think you’re being a bit too mean to her Haruna?" the captain asked. "I mean, yeah she does violate you all the time. Everywhere. And all at the wrong times but did you have to make her sleep on the couch the past week."

Haruna frowned with the sudden remark. It wasn’t that she stopped loving the squirrel. The fact that Yuko kept touching her all the time wasn’t the problem either. It was just with the recent increase of work, it was difficult to make time for sleep when there was a horny squirrel next to you every night. 

Before the taller girl could respond, she was attacked by the young Matsui. 

"Nyannnyaann!! I missed you!" the younger girl shouted as she latched onto the beauty. 

Yuko’s face turned into a scowl as she watched everything unravel. It was bad enough that she wasn’t aloud to touch her girlfriend but the fact that the cat wasn’t resisting was unbelievable.

The next thing that Haruna could see was the ace storming out with a pained expression. In the corner of her eye, she could see her fellow no3b members motioning her to chase after the girl. There was enough drama in AKB, they didn’t need another lovers quarrel to happen.

Gently pushing of the SKE member off of her, she quickly made her way after her girlfriend. It wasn’t very long until she found her sitting on the floor in the empty corridor. Silently making her way towards the sniffling girl, she sat down next to her. 

"Why are you here?" Yuko asked coldly as she turned to face her beloved cat. "Aren’t you busy having some quality time with that girl in there?"

Haruna shook her head. She reached forward to clasp her hands around the younger girl’s cheeks. “Stupid,” she responded as she rested their foreheads on each other. “How can I have some quality time when ‘that girl’ that makes me laugh and smile isn’t in the room.”

Yuko’s gaze finally met her girlfriend’s. The usual poker face the beauty sported was filled with love and concern. “Then why have you been avoiding me this past week?”

The model blushed while she answered. “Yuuchan, 2 weeks ago neither one of us could sleep because we were too busy doing your ‘midnight exercises’ all the time.”

The squirrel, blushing in return, recalled the late nights after work. It was something she would gladly exchange for her beauty rest but Haruna couldn’t say the same.

"But tonight, I want to repay you everything you’ve gave me." the taller girl whispered before leaving a chaste kiss on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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