Chapter 1

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Hello, as I sit here, alone, my is Mephiles, Mephiles the Hedgehog and, I whole heartedly welcome you to my life...

Rain poured from the dark shy, shadows stretching across the streets and ally ways. Black clouds hung in the dark sky, very few people walked the freezing streets.

A hooded figure flashed past almost a blur of speed. The figure was a female hedgehog, face and body hidden under the cloak. Yet, there was a faint cry of a baby inside the cloak. The figure sped up, stopping at an old worn down home. She quietly walked up the steps and set the child down. The child was wrapped carefully in a gruff brown blanket it had night black fur and white stripes on its head, eyebrows, arms and legs. She bent down and kissed him on his forehead, then hesitantly knocked on the house's door. She ran away from the home and, her child, tears spilling down her cheeks.

A light purple hedgehog with teal stripes opened the door, a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, then a pale power blue cat walked over with emerald green eye's. They looked around for the source of the knocking, but found no one. Just as the hedgehog was about to close the door a cry of a child stopped him, the cat looked down and saw the small baby hedgehog. She leaned down and pick up the child, she held the shivering child in her hands while it was close to her chest.

The couple walked back inside, the door slamming. Inside you could hear the couple fighting over if they should keep the child, then what sounded like a sigh was heard and a grunt of agreement, the female couldn't have children. The lights slowly turned off in the house one by one. The clouds parted showing the beautiful crescent moon, and its following stars, only to be covered by thicker black thunder clouds continuing the water assault.

*ten years later*

A medium hedgehog with silvery grey fur now with very pale blue, almost teal, stripes also the hedgehog had normal emerald-green eye's creep out of small room - almost the size of a closet. The hedgehog keep close to the carpeted floor, as if it was stalking prey. He 'staked' into the small living room, there he saw his 'father' his 'mother' had died , his name was Mephiles, Mephiles the hedgehog.

Mephiles stared at his so-called father with large innocent eyes.

"What!" His father hissed, Mephiles flinched and mumbled something. His father struck Mephiles across the face.

"Speak up!" He yelled.

"C-Can you drive me to sc-c-ckool?" His father sneered and pushed Mephiles down growling with his teeth bared "No." He spun around and stormed off to his large bedroom. Mephiles sighed and walked outside, it was raining - again - the rain hadn't stopped all week. Mephiles skipped down the side-walk, past the drunks, smokers, police, kids, teens, and anyone else. He ran into his elementary that he didn't even both to remember the name of. He ran down the halls and in to his 5th grade class. Inside he was met with a room full of glares, but two female hedgehogs that sat with a third seat for him. On was a hot pink, a tiny bang over her eye, black stripes, and light pink eyes. The other was light green with yellow and purple markings, a bang over her eye, and yellow eyes. Mephiles quickly sat down over by them, it didn't even take a second thought.

"Hey Mephiles, you ok?" The pink hedgehog said, Amber was her name. He nodded staring down at the table. He opened his purple back pack and grabbed his lunch money, agenda, and sketch book. The green hedgehog, Twilight raised an eyebrow not buying it.

"Trouble at home?" Twilight pried, Amber gave a 'Don't push it today' look and Mephiles's breath hitched.

"N-No." He responded shakily. Amber narrowed her eye's in worry, Twilight and her could tell when something was wrong, they were friends with Mephiles for a long time now. Before Twilight could question farther the teacher walked in. A fat looking man with black silky hair and a huge mustache. Everyone went silent and turned toward the teacher, who then cleared his thoughts and begun. He talked about math, science, and social studies he seemed to choose Mephiles for all the harder questions.

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