Chapter 1

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Mark's POV

I finished setting up the camera and getting my mic on. I took Chica outside and saw a giant moving truck. I guess someone is moving into the house next door. I hope they have a dog for Chica to play with! I went back inside and started the video. God I am going to die from this...

Your POV

I set down the box and huffed out a groan. That's the last box, thank God. I waved bye to the moving people as they drove off. I sighed as I looked at all the boxes I had to unpack. Great, I have no friends or family that live in L.A. so I don't have any help. I went to pick unpack one of the larger boxes but I heard a scream. I looked around and saw nobody. Probably some kids outside, I thought. But nope. I hear it again, but it was more like a man screaming. I opened my front door and looked around. I turned around but heard the scream again. It was coming from the house next door. I walk over to the house. This guy must be getting murdered or something if he is screaming this loud. I rang the doorbell and waited for a few minutes.

Mark's POV

I heard my doorbell ring so I paused the game. I took the VR headset off and jogged to the front door.

"Maybe the person WAS murdered... Oh well I am not a key witness." I heard a voice say from the opposite side of the door. I chuckled and opened the door.

"Oh! So you weren't getting murdered! Great now I wont have to go to court or anything." A lady said. She was y/h and had pretty e/c eyes and h/c hair. I stared for a few seconds but saw she noticed me staring.

"Heh yea I was just...exercising." I said nervously. I scratched the back of my head. She laughed a bit at my joke. Wow, she had a cute laugh.

"Well don't exercise to much or you will shit yourself." She chuckled. I laughed.

"I am y/n by the way, I just moved in next door." She said and put her hand out for me to shake.

"I am Mark, nice to meet you!" I said, shaking her hand.

"I better get going, I got to unpack all my things." She said and turned to walk away.

"You are unpacking your things by yourself? Do you need any help?" I asked, wanting to spend more time with her.

"Sure if you have nothing better to do." She says.

"If you count exercising as better then unpack, you are crazy." I said. She laughed and took me to her house. I saw she had a lot of boxes and I decided to help with the bigger and heavier things.

{Time Skip}

After about two hours, we were done. She had ordered pizza for us to eat. We hung out and got to know each other.

"So wait, your job is to record yourself screaming like a baby and post it on the internet for others enjoyment?" She said, chuckling.

"I don't always scream like a baby, but yes that's my job." I said.

"What is your channel name?" She asked and pulled out her phone. I told her my channel. I realized how late it was and I had to finish my video and editing it. We said our goodbye's and exchanged numbers.

I headed into my house and let out a heavy sigh.

"One more minute with her and I would have died. I can't believe she is my neighbor! She is so adorable!" I said, sitting on my couch.

"But I am dating Amy, I can't cheat on her." I sighed sadly. "Well I know someone who could be Ethan's girlfriend, he needs someone to date."

I texted Ethan and told him about y/n, but not about me liking her.

In His Arms   A Markiplier X Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now