The Soldier

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We open at The Parapet, a bar hidden in an alleyway, entered only with a password. The home to mercenaries, gamblers, and otherwise questionable characters. Imagine, if you will, a grungy basement full of smoke, overcrowded no doubt. Groups around tables gambling away the week's earnings. The smell of sweat, blood, and booze lingers in the air. A petite woman donned with a black silk blindfold, The Assassin, gathers a crowd of men at the bar. At the other end of the bar sits a hunched, scruffy man in worn out leather armor. He is a bottle into his night, and this is where our story truly begins.


The Soldier

He slams the empty bottle of bourbon onto the bar and demands with slurred aggression "Another!" The barmaid nods and retrieves yet another, placing it in front of the man who has become a near permanent fixture at this bar. With a bitter sense of defiance, he uncorks the bottle, taking a long swig. He turns as The Assassin begins to approach him, much to the protest of her crowd of admirers. She walks with a jarring confidence. Her long black hair swaying untamed down her back. She takes a seat next to The Soldier, placing a bottle of her own and a pocket watch (both permanent fixtures in her hands.) on the bar. "Jo" he says with a small nod. She smiles "Roland." She takes a sip from her bottle her go to punctuation to her words, she continues; "I've got a job for you if you're interested." This captures the attention of The Solider, Roland, "What is it they could possibly need me for, that you are not capable of, Jo?" The Assassin lets a soft chuckle escape her lips, "Well sometimes, Roland, a little blind woman just doesn't make the cut." A wry smile and a drink follows in response from The Soldier. "And they want a one-legged ex-soldier?" She shrugs taking a drink of her own "You have been requested by name."


The Soldier and The Assassin. Their paths had crossed on numerous occasions through drinking and bar fights. Little did they know, after this encounter their strings of fate began to tangle. Little did The Soldier know,

Everything was changing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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