Roy Ed fluff!

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Ed's POV
A few hours later I wake up, "mm.."

I tear up almost immediately and cover my eyes with my arm, "dammit.." I thought I was alone, I jump a little when I see Roy sitting in a chair by my bed, he's asleep.. I bite my lip and take my arm off my face.

He looks so peaceful..I blush lightly, I can't help it, I shakily feel his hair gently, I whisper to myself, "it's so soft.."

He starts to stir and I go red, ah!!! What do I do! What if he felt my hand, I'm now beat red, I look at his hand a hesitantly grab it, "I don't care anymore.." I don't care if he knows, I need him to know, what if HE gets me again and I don't make it back home..home to Roy.

Roy's POV

I wake up slowly to the touch of Ed, I blink a few times before realizing I'm not dreaming, I blush and look up at Ed, "fullmetal?" I look down and see his hand over mine, his hand is shaking, I don't hesitate, I hold his hand back, firmly but in a comforting way, "I'm here Ed..I promise you're safe"

Ed goes beat red by this and looks out the window but holds onto my hand more, I smile softly, "how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be," he's masking it like he's been trying to do, he shows me a fake smile, I sigh softly.

"Fullmetal, you can talk to me." I use my superior voice.

"I-I.."he tears up, I frown and sit on the bed by him and pull him into a hug. He starts crying without making a sound. I know he's crying because I can feel the collar of my shirt getting wet with his tears.

I rub his back comfortingly, "I'm going to catch him..I promise, he's not going to ever hurt you again."

"I-I deserved it, I wasn't supposed to make it back roy.." he sniffles, his voice is shaking.

My eyes widen at this, "you didn't deserve any of that. None of this was your fault Ed, do you understand me? And you were always going to come back because I didn't ever once plan on giving up okay?" I look down at him and make eye contact.

Ed locks his eyes with mine, we're both blushing, I don't really know how it happened, but we both grew silent and started to lean in, I could feel his breath against mine, we shut our eyes slowly, I'm going to kiss him, I'm actually going to kiss Fullmetal!

Just as our lips were about to touch, Izumi bursts into the room, "Edward!"

Luckily Izumi didn't notice because we pulled away faster than I knew either of us could move, our eyes were both wide, Ed responds shakily, "yes ma'am!"

Izumi crosses her arms, she gives an intimidating look, "it's dinner time! You need your strength back! Nap time is over!"

I look confused at Izumi, "Um it's past dinner, it's 10 o' clock.."

She yells with her arms crossed, "we've been waiting for you both! Hurry up before it's cold!" And with that she leaves the room, I look at Ed and chuckle softly.

Ed is bright red and smiles a little, a small but real smile, he hops off the bed with his hair down and messy, he gets to the door way and looks over his shoulder at me, "coming colonel bastard?" He snickers and heads downstairs.

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