Chapter One

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A/N: Okay, so this is the first time I've actually decided I wanted to finish a story :) So I'm gonna try to not give up on this one, like I usually do with all my stories haha -__- And I have nothing I really wanna say, so enjoy my pretties :3


Laughing bitterly as I stare through my tear clouded eyes at the two silhouette figures strolling into their 'happy ending sunset' lost in each other's minds, I wondered where this pain started. Was it when he asked me that favor that would unwillingly change my life? Was it when I started realising I was falling in love with the one person I could never have? Or was it now, when I only realised he was leaving me forever, never really thinking of me that way? Hell, your guess is as good as mine. But I guess you could only decide that if you hear the whole story.

Chapter One

One more week until Spring Break! Great, I'd rather stay in school, I never have anything interesting to do during the holidays... wow I bet that sounds nerdy. I mean who doesn't have something to do during Spring Break? Put on a bikini that shows off your rack, go to the beach, get wasted, find a guy that stares at your boobs when you're trying to make conversation but let him off because he has some nice abs that you'd not mind feeling up and finally, get laid. Typical way to spend a week, if you're a slut! Now for the way socially awkward humans, such as myself, spend it. Go home, play video games, meet with your online friends and go finish that god damn quest that's been taking you days to get to where you are now. So long story short, as I said, Spring Break will be boring!

Sighing I close my locker getting ready to leave school seeing as the school day's over.

"Valerie!" surprised that someone was shouting my name, I slowly turned around to gaze upon a flustered Joey 'gracefully' pushing his way through a horde of pupils minding their own business with an urget look in his eyes. Oh yeah, I forgot the variable of Joey. Joey is my best friend since second grade, when he wanted the green play-doh I was using to make a dinosaur, of course being the angel I am, that everyone will deny is true because they don't want to blow my cover, I told him to get lost. And being the wuss he is, he told the teacher I 'wasn't sharing'. Even though we were only seven at the time I got detention for not playing nice and he got detention for being a tattle tale. Serves him right.

Anyways, I bet you're wondering 'how did it go from that to best friends?' well I'll tell you why.

"Thanks for getting me detention dweeb." I muttered loud enough for the boy to hear from his seat across the detention hall. My arms were crossed over my chest and my face held a pout, I was sulking. He however, looked terrified.

"I've never been in trouble before..." he started "I'm gonna get disowned! Mom doesn't take these things too kindly! Theo raised his voice at her once and she sent his to military school and he came back as a different person, I don't wanna come back as someone else! I like how I am now! Oh no! Oh god n-"

"KID! Will you calm down? Jeeze. I don't know what your getting all worried about, you didn't really do anything anyways." I assured him "Neither did I but whatever..." I added with a sigh.

He looked at my face. It was serious looking until I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" he asked genuinely confused at my sudden change in demeanor. Trying to calm down to answer, I pulled my hand down my face as if wiping the face covered in laughter away. Looking up at him I sniggered, it wasn't really funny but it mad me laugh.

"It's just, just that you're worried about getting in trouble that you didn't notice we've already been dismissed with a warning! Ahahaha!" I continued laughing, clutching my stomach whilst hunching over.

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