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Ever been in a world alone because nobody liked you? Where that's were I begin; why you ask? That's where my story begins.
I am a Unicorn; a mythical creature that doesn't exist. Well that's what everyone calls me. There are people that are hunting my kind called huntsman. There are highly skilled people hired by the kingdoms hierarchy. The King and Queen of the Kingdom of Chrysanthemum hires them to kill us cause there feel inferior to us. It's unheard of that the Prince knows of his parents doings.
I'm not sure where I came from all I know is that I'm different from my kind they say I'm special but the people of the kingdom look at me in a weird unusual way. A lot of people know about me but won't say nothing to the huntsman. Is it because they feel bad for me because I grew up with no parents? Most of my kind come here with their families except for me. When my foster parents found out that I was special they gave me options; either leave or they will call the huntsman so you can only guess what I chose.
The forest provides me with comfortable living and gorgeous views. I farm what I can and I live in a beautiful tree house. Not a small one but bigger in size more suitable for living. I sell goods in the markets and use what I earn to get other necessary items. I make organic items that people would have to special order from other countries if it weren't for me. Maybe that's why they keep me around? Or is it because they can get cheaper goods? That's it they're using me? Forget about that anyway on with the looks.
Platinum Blond hair with pink eyes. Yes I said pink, my kind usually have green eyes. Yet again far from anyone. I have an an unusual ability that keeps me from gaining weight. Odd right? Men say that I'm "super yummy" like that's even a thing. I don't really know I just ignore their hoots and hollers.
I had a mentor she was an elder from where I'm from and she taught me the ways of our people; telling me stuff like, "Prophecy says that our ways must live through you." Anyway let's move on to the main story.

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