The Flying Carpet

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Phoenix Ripley stared down at her map. They had been walking all night, but she still wasn't sure that they would make it by daybreak. She looked over at her companions. She knew that they were exhausted, but they didn't show it. She was proud of how far they'd gotten in such little time. They needed to stop Abacus. If they didn't, well, Phoenix didn't want to think about it .

Off in the distance, Phoenix could see the abandoned castle that Abacus owned. If it hadn't been for the part about saving the world, Phoenix would have enjoyed the Scottish countryside surrounding his lair.

Felix walked up to Phoenix's side. He grabbed her hand and stopped her in her path. He wrapped her up in a large hug. He whispered in her ear,

"Nix. Dear Sweet Nix. Don't worry about a thing."

The hug was one that Phoenix needed.

Jemma and Hollis cleared their throats. Felix and Phoenix took the hint and separated.

"We hate to break this off, but, well, we have a job to do" Hollis stated knowing that this was most likely the last chance they had to be affectionate.

"You're right", Phoenix murmured.

She was starting to regret bringing the others along, but she knew she couldn't defeat Abacus on her own. She knew that their past would get in the way.

They reached the castle just as the sun was coming up. They had done it, the easy part, that was. They still needed to infiltrate the large stone building. Phoenix turned to Felix, Jemma, and Hollis.

"The three of you need to get to the flying carpet without getting caught. Try not to split up, but if you have to, you have to. Do you all understand?" They all nodded. Phoenix tried to sound confident, but she knew she had the hardest job.

"I will go to Abacus and distract him. We will meet here in an hour. We will head back then. If anyone is missing, we leave without them. You all know the way back. We need to get the flying carpet back to the chamber as soon as we can. Don't trust anyone but us. Good luck." With that, they went their separate ways.

Phoenix headed to the throne room first. If she knew Abacus at all, that was where he would be. She ducked around corners and lurked in shadows until she heard Abacus' laughter. It wasn't as gentle as Phoenix had remembered, but then again, she thought, he wasn't even close to the same little boy.

He was talking to someone. Their voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't put a finger on it.

"The flying carpet is now in our grasps. If Phoenix and her gang of losers haven't come for it by now, they must not know we have it. Victory is our-"

The man was cut off by the shrill sound of an alarm going off.

"You imbecile! I thought you said that the holding cell was secure! If that flying carpet is gone, I swear, I will replace my bearskin rug with YOU!" Abacus was furious. Phoenix heard something, a vase perhaps, smash against the wall. The man quickly ran out of the room and right past her.

Phoenix didn't want to confront Abacus when he was this mad, but she had no other choice. She had to protect her team. And Felix.

She rounded the corner and found herself face to face with Abacus. He had grown taller than the last time she had seen him. His hair had grown too. It was nearly as long as hers was.

Abacus was taken aback. He had not planned on seeing his love so soon after her team had been noticed.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't you Nixie, my dear."

Phoenix shuddered at the mention of her name. Coming from his mouth it sounded slimy and sickeningly sweet. She shuddered at the sound.

"You don't sound happy to see me."

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