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Chapter 1: The visitor. “Every life is a new beginning.”


“Nurse! Nurse! He opened his eyes come quick!”

Wha.. I cringe at the sound of such a loud voice. My head throbs in pain. I try to open my eyes once more and light blinds me. I try to speak to whom ever loud voice it was but my mouth is to dry from lack of water. I feel like I was hit by a rainboom... Of course! A rainboom! I'd been trying to pull one off for ages the other day. But wait.. why am I here?

After getting my eyes adjusted to the light I look around and see nothing of interest. Hmph, trapped in a room. That's when I hear footsteps coming down the hall. I'm completely unaware of what to say. I have no memory and even if I did try to speak, I couldn't. Unless they are bringing me water. Then I would have to answer. Please don't bring water, please don't bring water.

“Hello, Shadow Wing!” A colt in a white coat wearing doctor says as he walks into the room.

“I hope you had a nice little rest over the past week!”

A week? Surely not. I was only out trying to pull off a rainboom not but hours ago.

“We'll just run a few test on you then we will allow some guest to come see you. Does that sound good with you?” He ask me in a very nice, but demanding tone. Like he didn't want to be here but he has to.

“Mhmmm..” I manage to get out. Not much but he takes it and proceeds with the test.

“First the eye test, I'm going to shine this in your eyes and see if they dilate properly.”

And with that he starts the test, one after the other until the very last one. When we are done he gets me food and water. I dig in only to be slowed down, something about my stomach being to small to take so much food at once. So I slow down just as he asks me too. When I'm done he tells me to just relax while he goes and calls some of my friends.

Friends? I don't remember any friends. But if the doc says so.

I wait for only a few minuets. But during that time I get so bored and anxious. If I really have been out for a week then I must have put these friends of mine in a lot of worry, so no doubt they will be head over hoof to see me. Just as that crosses my mind the door bangs open and two colts hurriedly walk into the room. One of them are dark coated, almost black but a close shade of gray, just a tad darker than mine. The dark gray one also has the same mane as me, Black with a gold line right in the middle.

The other one is a light brown with red hair.

“Oh my Luna, I'm so happy to see you again!” The darker one says.

I give off a nervous laugh. I have no idea who this guy is.

“Um, I'm so sorry. But could you tell me who you are again..?” I slowly ask him.

“Oh you don't remember me..?” He replys with guilt and sadness in his voice, but ideas forming in his eyes. “I'm your brother, Night Tail!”

My brother? I'm touched with the idea that he's the first to come see me. “Um, who is this then..?” I ask nodding towards the other colt.

“Oh that's Cannon. Do you remember anything? Cannon was your best friend!” My brother tells me.

All Cannon does is nods his head. He may have been my best friend, but he's getting a real shady image right now.

After a good talk he brought me up to speed. About how I was trying to really pull off a nightboom, not a rainboom. Nightbooms are just like rainbooms except can only be pulled off at night and are 110 percent harder to pull off. Why was I trying to get one off? I have no idea why. Maybe to show Light Show he's not the best flier in Equstria? Who knows.

After the talk the nurse walks in and tells Night Tail and Cannon that they have to leave. Night Tail seems upset about it but reluctantly leaves the room. Cannon on the other hand looks glad to leave the room. By now I know he's hiding something, like something he doesn't want me to remember. I'm really doubting that he was my friend.

While I'm pondering over in my thoughts I didn't notice another visitor entering the room. She walks over to the small window that was streaming light right into my eyes and pulls down the blinds.

This new unicorn had a staggering purple coat and a fluffy blueish mane.

“Better?” She asks me with caring tone.

She has a soft soothing voice that makes me know that everything will be better. Like it was only a simple mistake and not one that made me lose most of my memory.

“Yes, tons better.” I reply in a simple tone. “Do I know you?”

“No, you don't. I'm from Ponyville.” She tells me.

“Ponyville? Where is that?” My eyes growing wide. “Is it close to here?”

“No, sorry I'm afraid not. It's a good three day travel from here.” She tells me.

“Three day travel?” bewildered at the thought that anypony would walk that far. “Why are you here then?”

“To come and see you.” she tells me.

“Why come a see me? I'm just another Pegasus in the hospital, there are plenty of others just like me.” I tell her.

“Yes but you are the only one suffering from memory lose. Not to mention that crash of yours.”

She says “crash” in a very odd manor. Again, another thing that seems as if I'm not getting the whole truth. “I'll be leaving in four days time to go back to Ponyville.”

“Just like that? You come all this way just to tell me that?” I ask her.

“No, I plan on taking you with me. Iv talked to the doctor and he tells me you will be out in two days, so you will have time to pack your things.”

“What do you mean I'm going with you?” I ask her confused. “I just met you and you're asking me that I'm going on a three day walk with you?”

“Yes pretty much, I thought you would be more open on the idea, you do want to get out of her don't you?” She asks me.

“Of course I do, but I also want to learn who I am.” I tell her.

“Then you'll come back with me. How does that sound?” She asks me in a sweet tone that's hard to say no to.

“Ok, I'll go.” I say.

And as she gets to the door she turns around and says,

“I'm Sugar Cube by the way, nice to meet you!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2012 ⏰

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