Singles clubship

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      One leaflet has taken me hostage, a piece of paper that is now threatening my secure, secluded bed fort. My comfortable darkness, you know where you stand when you stand alone. Get rid of one a5 sized leaflet, that's all I had to do and yet, somehow, I fucked that up. My sister found it and forced me to come here saying and I quote 'It'll be good for me.' It won't be though; I know how these things go. I'll awkwardly make conversation all night, question every word and move I make, this isn't part of the 'healing process,' this is anxiety torture.

The teleportation glass cleared as a room emerged around me. A small sphere room, with well-dressed beings dancing across the wall, all types from hominoids, and other shaped beings. Green, blue, yellow, with tails, wings, two heads, three heads, some had one eye others seventy. The one that stood out to me was the squid alien squeezed into a salsa dress moving in time with the intoxicating music. I wonder if they will make me dance, just the thought makes my chest tighten, I shouldn't have come, and it was too soon. On the only door hung a poster, a portrait of a model lying seductively on a beach, with sand grains covering her well-toned body. Bellady, the same women whose posters have invaded my room, phone wallpaper and memories, there's that feeling again, cement blocks resting on my chest. Her ocean eyes pierce through me, she knows that I'm here; she has that look of disappointment.

"Sir. Name?" I just realize I'm not alone; the waiter stood in front of me, a grown baby with wings and a diaper. He also wore a bowtie making him look more ridiculous. Every atom in my body wants to turn away recall the teleportation tab, but he would think I'm scared, a wimp, which, I mean, I am but I hit rock bottom if I look like one in front of an infant. "F-Finn Aldea." Why do I sound like a mouse, speak up damn it!

"Mr.Aldea, gotcha." The baby waiter scanned his tablet guest list. "A human, rare, well you'll probably get snatched up instantly." Hah, I wish it was that easy, you need the confidence to take advantage of the last humans in existence perks. He hands me a glass from his waiter tray and places a red ice triangle in the glass. "This a love cue, once there's a potential match the triangle will melt and release a substance that will make it easy for both of you to, how to put it gently, open up." With that, the baby opened the door and the muffled music flooded through.

The music is stimulating, I have to follow it. If I was a normal being with the normal amount of anxiety and panic they probably would off evaporated the moment the music seeped through my eyes. Even so, it was like he was singing to me.

Everything will be okay if you just keep moving

So I do, I follow the melodic drum set, to find the angels that strung the guitar, the hook

Breath it'll be okay, at the end that's the way.

Drags me forward, owned the rhythm but held back by the demons dragging my heels. I nervously make my way down the red-lit corridor placing my fingertips against the patterned walls, the dancers moved away so not to be touched by my hands; even wallpaper art didn't want to be near me. So I remove them but as I do stardust disperses from the wall.

Stars fall so we can be together

I make my way into the first room. Speed dating, I look around at the different beings gathered around in groups talking, having a good time, some look my way, like a zoo, spot the human, I may as well be dressed in red and change my name to Wally. I make my way over to the table and located my nametag. With my head down, avoiding eye contact, they can't start a conversation if I can't see them. Quickly I slip over to my table and took a seat. How do I get a drink, better yet how do I get a bottle, but most of all how do I breathe normally?

Deep breathes, don't let the pressure get to your head.

The bell rings and the dreaded dating starts. What happened to classical dating, meeting a girl at an arcade or a coffee shop? Actually, I know exactly what happened, humans became more obsessed with themselves and online presence and lost the ability to interact. Wait, that's wrong, that implies I once had the skill to socialize.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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