that feeling

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You know that feeling when you really like someone but you just cant tell them cause well you just cant. you have been talking to them for what seems like a while and you got really close, but then it started dying out. you had to text them first and you would have just a simple ocnversation and then they would read your message but not reply and you feel so down. yeah that feeling sucks. you feel like if you text them again your annoying them cause they be busy but if you dont text them they wouldnt text you at all and then there goes everything. you are just torn and have no idea what to do. its sucks. you dont wether to delete your conversations with them or just keep them and wait for a mirical. you just sit there at night wondering why wont that person reply. you cant tell them you like talking to them and it cheers you and makes you happy talking to them cause you dont want to sound despreate or something else. at night you think of the person and think iof all the memories you had with them all the ocnversations but then you get down cause you know that person probably doesnt care and of course doesnt know that you like them and you cant say anything cause of course they dont feel the same way. you just scroll through the texts and just think like how did you guys grow so far apart and are almost like complete strangers. it just gets you down. you cant tell your friends cause they will think your crazy so you just keep it to your self thats the best idea. but as your waiting longer for that message you relaize that its over and there is nothing you cant do and you just dont want to send the first text like you always do cauase then the same thing would happen, short conversation and then the person reads it and does not reply. so your stuck. its tough i know i can relate. all you want the person to relalize is when you text them it means you miss them and when you dont text them it means your waiting for them to miss you. you wonder if the person will ever get that and then you laugh to yourself yeah right they will they will just forget me and slowly slowly i will have to get over it and forget them and try to forget all the conversation and the friendship if thats what you call friendship at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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