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They bring you joy
They make you insane
They are so enjoyable
The silver drops of rain

The dark clouds rise
Disappearing the sunshine
One might get the surprise pain
By the sudden showers of
The silver drops of rain

They fall straight and slanting
The sight so enchanting
Making a promise vain
The silver drops of rain

The fresh mud smells
Casting a few magical spells
There is greenery all over, by
The silver drops of rain

The sudden drizzling ,
is quite startling
They occur in silver chains.
The silver drops of rain

If it does not rain
there will be the
slightest chance of a drought ,
but if it chooses not to,
happiness will be brought again, by
The silver drops of rain

Hey guys this was my first poem written at the age of 11.
Read more as I will keep posting new poems.

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