Hello Junior High

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It was September 2016. I was moving into a whole new school with a bunch of new people. I had to find myself. I look around at everyone else while walking down what looked like a never-ending maze. I start labeling: Populars over there, Dumb Athletes over there, Whisperers over in that corner, and then there was my group.... the band geeks. Now you might think "This is just a cheesy book about high school." It is. That's exactly what it is. I'm the main character with long brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, braces and of course, my flute. After I made it to my locker, I just stand and stare at the rusty lock that holds it shut. I look at my schedule. Ok first block is Band, then English, French and then.... "Mack!" I hear a high pitched voice yell my name from behind me. It was one of my friends Daisha. We have been friends since elementary. She's the one that helped me meet my first boyfriend Christian (you'll meet him later in the story.)

"Hey." Why did I have to sound so scared and nerdy?

"I'm so excited! Why aren't you?" She asked with a worried tone.

"You know.... new school, new faces, new level of anxiety." I giggled a little at the end.

"Don't be worried I'm right her- never mind.... be worried." She said as she tilted over into the hallway.

I turn around to see my crush since fifth grade... lets not say his real name. Lets call him.. Isac! Isac was as tall as a giant to me. He had a deep voice and did a bunch of different sports but he liked Track and Field the most. He was in band too at the time. He was the class clown of the 2016-17 eight grade band. Everyone liked him.... other than the teachers. Daisha and I turn to our locker which luckily were right next to each other. A couple seconds later Daisha nudges me,

"Pssssszzzz." she whispers.

"Why are you-" I look a little bit off to her right to see Isac standing next to her trying to open his locker... that was just two feet away from me! I look at her with a look that you give someone that says "IM SCREAMING IN MY HEAD RIGHT NOW!" We both act as natural as we can. I carry on with setting up my locker and getting organized until it's time to get to class. The auditorium and the music rooms we just down the hallway so I wasn't worried about being late. I walk into the auditorium and find my name tag on one of the seats in the audience. Guess who I sit right next to... Isac. I just sit down and stay as quiet as I can. As the two band teachers walk in, I start scanning them. The female teacher Mrs McDerment looks very nice but seems to have a tough side. She's a little shorter than me and has long black hair. "She's okay." I think to myself. The male teacher Mr. Adamski just made me think "Fuck." He was super tall with some chub on him. The one thing I will always remember is his under-eyes. They puffed out like one of those goldfish with the huge eyes. He had posture that gave off a negative impression. I'm not going to get into detail about the beginning of the class because it's kinda boring but soon, everyone made their way up on their stage and took their seats. Mrs. MacDerment passed out some sheet music and explained everything we needed to know. Now Mr. Adamski on the other hand told me to pass out the music and then started looking at the clock like he was timing me. I noticed that while he conducts that he sweats like he's looking into a volcano.

The rest of the day was like any normal day. Boring classes, boring teachers, and no escape. No one really payed any attention to how much the school really didn't care. I watched as kids giggled and laughed as they watched one of my other peers hide behind her book. I had lunch at eleven o'clock every day. Every time I walked into the lunch room I got charged with a bolt of anxiety. I felt like there was always someone watching me. I sat with guys all the time. I never really liked sitting with girls because all they did was talk about rumors and gossip. All I wanted to talk about was how my band teacher looked like a goldfish. When the weather was nice, people were aloud to go outside to hang out and play basketball. I was shorter than all of my friends so I would just sit and draw, watch my friends, then right back to drawing. I would listen to music from some of my favorite musicals. I've always dreamed of being in a play or a musical but I knew I wasn't talented enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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