In which Charlie attempts to cook

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  "WOW. Dis pi is so gud!" Charlee waz samplin sum of Cas's pie.

  "Do you thnk Deen wull liek it?" Cas gaspued.

  "YUS. How do u baek so gud?" Charliee whanted moer.

  "I took leessons." Castiel handud her a busness card. He then pooped away tah give dEan hiis pie. Chaarlei pulled out a baanaana, becuz beguls don't haev reel phones, nd  caled tha numbur on tha card.

  "Allo. Zis iz bagul'z cookin school." Tha voice answered.

  "I WHANT TAH BAEK!" Charlie screemed inta tha banaana phone and begaan tah crie.

  "I DONUT KNO HOW TOOO!" The cookin guy yellued bacck. Charlie cried harder, so tha guy hunhg up. Charlie waz weepn now, so she whent ta her bagelicious diary and wrote down her feelins.

  Deer diery,

I reealy whant food but I donut kno how tah cook. I think I wull crie sum more becuz I am sad. I also thiink i am alereeghic tah whipphed creeme. Maebe I shouldn't haev licked that-

Charleey waz interrupted by Bageline nd Mary.

  "Wut aer you doin here?" She lookied at tha two feemale baguls. "Bageline. I haet ur new hair style." SHE commoneted. Bageline scowled angeerliy.

  "Balthabagel picked it out." Bageline screemd at hur. Charliee shruhgged. "Maree, did yuo put on weight? Yer butt looks big."  Marys's eyes widuned.


  "Oh wull. She waz old." Charlie shruhgged. "Can youu halp me bake sumthing?"

  "No." Said Bageline, tossin her hair.

  "Oh." Sadi Charlie. "Then why are you heree?"

  "Ask mAry." Bageline narowed heer eyhes. 

  "K." Buht Charlie didunt becuz she's a LIAER. She whent onto google, nd looked up cookin recipse. She decided tah make tha othur baguls a cake by lookin at tha recipe online. Charlie cracked the eggs, and den sumthing strated smohking, so she left witout hur caek. Cas caem back.

  "Did it work?" He askued her.

  "Yuss." Charlie smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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