Part 30| Patience

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My vocabulary isn't all that extensive
Which only makes me more apprehensive
About what the future holds

Was this art form meant for me
I try waiting patiently
But when will my words flow freely
When will my words fall endlessly and eloquently onto my pages
When will my words speak fluently
The languages of love and destruction and joy

When will I be satisfied with the expression of my thoughts
Do I search for the words
Or should I let them find me;
in an epiphany of colorful visions

If I search where do I go
What literary lands should I roam
How do I remold what I absorb
Into something of my own

And if not that,

How long will I have to wait
Till fate decides to deliver the next fill of coal
To lighten my soul and spark my imagination to write

I don't really like this one too much (the irony, I know). It felt more like I was venting than writing a poem, but at the same time I like it for was it is somewhat

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