New Beginnings Sub chapter 1: Loss

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        Not sure what was happening with Ms. Rune and the others but all I know  is this cyborg guy looks just like me and I need answers, now. We were fighting and I felt like I had the advantage which was usually good, except for the fact that I was trying to get answers before I destroyed him. 

        The lady that was fighting Ms. Rune shot fire towards my direction and i threw me off my flow and then I got punched dead in the stomach sent flying until Axel caught me. "We finished our job lets get going." 

        "Coming from the cyborg who was getting his ass kicked by a kid" Ame cackled. 

        My look alike has anger issues or something because when she taunted him his arm kinda transformed into a rocket launcher. (When I say rocket launcher I mean like a big ass rocket rpg thing.) "A little goodbye present but for those of your power this should'nt take you out."  The cyborg said condescendingly. 

"idiot don't tell them that you're so cliche gosh" Ame scolded.

        He shot towards us and when I say us I really mean my little brother. Kova turned around and his golem caught the rocket and jumped to the skies rocket and all. Boom. The guy was gone I ran to Kova's side as the key chain that the golem reverted too sailed down gently I thought it was Axel's doing but he was heart broken the key chain didnt radiate power like it did before. 

        Axel came running with Iris close behind Kova didn't seemed injured but I knew he was hurt some where else. I don't know why but it seems like my fault. "I'm sorry." 

        I walked off and collected our bags and stuff so we could get going.


                What just happened I tried to process this and I knew we are pretty worse for wear now. Kova doesn't have his golem at full strength its like a kitten now it's not the strong lion that it was before. And ms.Rune how could this have happened, Kova looks like he's okay but I'm still worried. We keep going and through the clearing we see this great big field it's so beautiful and majestic filled with animals and flowers and in the distance we see this group of buildings and then I felt how tired I was. I blacked out. 

        I started to dream. I see a bunch of hooded people all cloaked with different colors but I recognize two of them a red cloaked one has to be Ame and a black and silver-ish cloaked one has to be the Cyborg. They where in what seemed to be a conference.  There were at least 15 of them. 

        One of them spoke. "So Gloz and Ame how was your little trip."

        "I saw my pathetic sister and her little students so I thought I would leave her a present."Ame spoke of her sister as if she held a grudge against her, and that present she was restricting her powers. And they called the cyborg Gloz is that his name? 

        Then one the dark shadowy blue cloaked people looked at my direction and claws of shadows lashed towards me and I snapped up having to remember it was just a dream.

        What was that about It felt way to real. I'm worried how many enemies will we have to deal with. I feel like we brought a war to this school how do we warn them.

        We were all in the school nurses office I lay back down to think about whats ahead when someone shoves the curtain aside and it was Rai. "Is every body all right where is Ms.Rune." Iris comes from the hallway as if her and the nurse were talking. Then it hit me she seemed tired was she helping heal our wounds.

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