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I guess I have a problem.

I knew it wasn't right, it isn't okay. It's terrifying. I fell for the one person I knew I couldn't have.

He was happily in a relationship with someone, but still, he was the same as before. All fake smiles, fake innocence, and fake laughs.

Everything about my brother was false.

But I guess I'm the same. Fake scowls, fake anger just to feel anything other than sadness and fake happiness that I show Feliciano when he asks if I'm ok.

It's hard to tell the only person who notices how upset you are that you're fine because for once someone noticed but you can't tell them to save their happiness. But I'll continue for him.

He was about to come home from that potato bastard boyfriend of his house soon, I finished the dishes that I was supposed to do the day before while waiting, he came home as I was putting them away."

He smiled a very wide fake smile, "Oh, ciao fratello~"

I knew him better than most, I could tell when his smile or laugh was fake or when he lied. But I decided not to mention it. Instead, I just grumbled,  "Ciao idiota."

He walked over to me and helped me take care of the rest of the dishes.

We put them all away, it was late. Nearly 9 o'clock at night. I had a plan to confess to Feliciano. I was going to do it tonight in the only way I could think how.

I called him into my room, I could hear his footsteps as he ran down the hall. When he finally came in he smiled, genuinely for the first time in a while.

"What fratello." 

I pulled him inside by his arm and shit the door. Then, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and I kissed him.

beofre he really had time to react I pulled away, my face was no doubt as red as one of the tomato bastard's tomatoes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that but I needed to let you know how I feel."


"I know your dating the damned potato bastard but I really do love you."


"I'm just sorr-"

Before I finished that sentence he grabbed my wrists and pushed me up against the wall and kissed me. After a second he pulled away.

 "What was that for?"

"I had to make you shut up." He said with an innocent smile, "Don't be sorry, I love you too."


"I said I love you silly."

"I don't think you understand what kind of love I mean."

He rolled his eyes but kept his smile, "I do, love like how you'd love a lover of something...not a brother, not usually at least."

I looked down, "Yeah."

"But don't worry because I do love you like that."

I looked up at him and smiled a little, he was taller than me, despite the fact that he was younger he was a bit taller. He hugged me tightly, "Ti amo Lovi~"

"Ti amo anch'io Feli."

The others found out eventually when Feliciano broke up with the potato bastard, they're still friends though, Francis pointed out how he saw it coming and Toni passed out from a nosebleed. For some reason, Gil looked slightly upset but congratulated us, but other's weren't as kind, some said some pretty bad things behind our backs thinking we wouldn't know that they were talking shit, but we didn't care. 

And I can say this: Feli's smiles and laughs are no longer fake, neither is my happiness, both of us are happier and that's all that really matters.

((Ok so I mentioned Itacest in my NorIce fanfic and I decided to make a one-shot on how they got together, also if you were wondering, Prussia was upset because he cannonly has a crush on both North and South Italy. And yes, Italy is taller than Romano. Roma is smol.))

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