<3 Why do people do it, why do people love when all of them know that it could easily end in pain? Why do we take the risk, why not just give up and let go? Why can't I let go? I want to with all my heart, but apparently my heart has a mind of it's own. I just want to erase his image out of my head, I want to stop myself from the need to look at him once more but I can't, no one can.
People take risks because there curious, and although curiosity killed the cat, no one would have known that without trying. Peope do it because they aren't afraid, they aren't scared of the possible end result. In fact most of them get a kick out of it, not the pain part but the taking a risk.
I wish I was like that, I wish I could have no worry, no thought, nothing but love. But I can't, all I sit and think about when I think about him or his name or picture just happens to show up is, man, I can never have you, never hold you, probably never even speek to you. Yet, somewhere deep inside me, I care for you, a lot more then just a friend would.
I wish I could think of all the wonderful things that could happen instead of the bad ones, but hay, that's the price I pay for falling in love. <3