Some people have their life handed to them and get recognized while others have to work for it and are in the background.
I'm a nobody that's in the way of someone great.
I'm not good at anything while she can sing and he can fence, while she can draw and he can act.
I'm just in the background staring and waiting till my miserable days are over.
I try to do the things they can do but I fail every time I've tried singing, dancing, acting and fencing but I fall hard on the ground while they float up top smiling and becoming happier and happier while I become depressed and have self hate.
They float I fall it's just the way it's supposed to be.
It's my destiny to fall and stay there at the bottom.
They tell me to keep trying, but it just makes me worse.
It makes me fall even harder every time.
They tell me to stand aside a watch all who are great.
They are the ones who deserve to be here I deserve to be left in the dark pit of dreams and promise.
They can do things they are the great ones.